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Erase the Bush Stain on Wildlife Conservation

Rodger Schlickeisen, Defenders of Wildlife

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Before leaving office, the Bush Administration rammed through a regulatory change to the Endangered Species Act that threatens efforts to save polar bears, wolves, manatees and nearly 1,200 other species from extinction.

Now it’s up to Congress to clean up the mess left by the Bush/Cheney Administration. Will you help?

Please urge your U.S. Representative to co-sponsor H.J. Res. 18, a resolution that would overturn the Bush Administration’s 11th-hour attempt to undermine the Endangered Species Act.

The Bush regulations would…

  • Allow America’s threatened polar bears to drown in a sea of inaction by preventing the Endangered Species Act from protecting the bears from the threat of global warming; and
  • Let federal agencies in charge of building highways, dams and other projects decide whether those projects might drive rare plants and animals to extinction, without ever checking with the expert biologists in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service.

Members of Congress can overturn these awful regulations, but they need our support to do it. Please write your Representative now and urge him or her to stand up for America’s endangered wildlife by co-sponsoring H.J. Res. 18. 

The Endangered Species Act is the single most important law protecting our wildlife. Each day that the Bush regulations are in place our imperiled wildlife are at greater risk of extinction.

Please take action now to erase the stain left by the Bush Administration’s callous disregard for the laws that protect our polar bears, wolves and other imperiled wildlife.

With gratitude for your efforts,

Rodger Schlickeisen, President
Rodger Schlickeisen, President Signature

Rodger Schlickeisen


Defenders of Wildlife

Endangered Species

Need Your Voice

Polar Bear on Sea Ice (Photo: Hopkins, Nat'l Geo)

Under regulations pushed through by the Bush Administration, America’s vanishing polar bears would be denied crucial protections and important scientific reviews would be eliminated on federal projects.

Save Endangered Animals... Take Action

Urge your U.S. Representative to co-sponsor H.J. Res. 18, a resolution that would overturn the Bush administration’s 11th-hour attempt to undermine the Endangered Species Act.