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Geithner Vote Expected Today

Steve Elliott, President,

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From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says he hopes to have a confirmation vote on Treasury Secretary-designee Tim Geithner, today.

You'll recall that I sent you a message late last week urging team members to call in opposition of the Geithner appointment.

        Shockingly, we've received word from Capitol Hill

        that they don't want our phone calls!

        That's right. According to some on Capitol Hill, there is

        no hope, so there's no sense in calling.

Grassfire has been around long enough to know that when the Senate or House doesn't want to hear from constituents, they roll out the "all hope is lost" line.

Well, this isn't about winning. It's about doing the right thing. That's why I'm asking ALL members to call your two Senators right now and say "NO" to Geithner's nomination.

Also call key Senate leadership and urge them to take a principled stand against Geithner:

Majority Leader Harry Reid: 202-224-5556

Minority Leader Mitch McConnell: 202-224-3135

Majority Whip Richard Durbin: 202-224-9447

Minority Whip Jon Kyl: 202-224-2708

+++Talking Points

1. The Senate should NOT confirm Geithner as Treasury Secretary.

2. Geithner knowingly failed to pay his taxes, even after an IRS audit exposed his "mistake."

3. As the person responsible for collecting taxes from every American,  his failure should disqualify him.

I'm convinced that Geithner knowingly attempted to avoid paying taxes. I'm convinced that he played a large role in the current economic crisis, so when I read a TIME magazine feature story profiling Geithner that says he "bears the burden of rescuing the U.S. economy,"

I'm compelled to respond the best way I can... by picking up the phone and calling my Senators and their leadership--urging them to do the right thing by opposing the Geithner confirmation!

Together let's send the Senate a resonating message today that grassroots Americans are Resisting the Geithner confirmation because it's the right thing to do!

Thanks for taking action!

Steve Elliott,

P.S. If you haven't done so already, I encourage you to sign up at ResistNet -- the social network of the Patriotic Resistance. There are already dozens of forums and blogs discussing this issue. Here's a sampling (you must sign up to access this link):

If you haven't yet signed up for ResistNet, please click here:

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