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Tax evader for Treasury Secretary? I say "NO!"

Steve Elliott

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From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

               Please forward this to your friends asking

               them to take immediate action with you.   --Steve

Tim Geithner, Barack Obama's nominee for Treasury Secretary should not be confirmed.

Geithner failed to pay over $34,000 in taxes over four years. He only recently coughed up some of the money when the vetting process exposed him.

Geithner called them "careless mistakes... avoidable... unintentional"

But it is much worse than that. A 2006 IRS audit exposed him but

Geithner didn't pay the taxes he owed for two of the years that

were outside the statute of limitations.

In other words, he knew he was in the wrong for four years... but only paid up for two years due to a technicality! Geithner's employer actually PAID him an extra allowance for these taxes he didn't pay. And Geithner even signed a statement promising to pay the taxes:

          "I will pay the taxes for which I have received tax

           allowance payments."

Now we're to believe he was "careless" and this happened because

the man who is to be the Treasury Secretary in charge of collecting

taxes from you and me messed up on TurboTax?

On top of this, Geithner employed an illegal alien for domestic help. And he has been right in the middle of the failed TARPbailout that has already cost taxpayers tens of billions of dollars.

+ + Action Item: Call your senators and oppose Geithner

I'm asking every member of the Grassfire Patriotic Resistance to pick up the phone and call their two Senators today and urge them to say "NO" to Geithner's nomination.

Also call Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and urge him to takea principled stand against Geithner:

Minority Leader McConnell: 202-224-3135

Talking Points:

1. The Senate should NOT confirm Geithner as Treasury Secretary.

2. Geithner knowingly failed to pay his taxes, even after an IRS audit exposed his "mistake."

3. As the person responsible for collecting taxes from every American, his failure should disqualify him.

+ + Liberal media glossing over Geithner issues

Of course, the liberal media is saying this is a non-issue. The RHINOS in the Senate say those who oppose Geithner are "thinking in small political terms."

They want us to believe the Geithner is the only man in America who can save us from total economic meltdown! But of course, he couldn't properly file his own taxes and only finally paid up when it looked like it might be an issue in his confirmation.

I for one am not going to roll over and just accept everything Obama and the liberal media want us to swallow.

Please call your senators today. Then invite your friends to join thePatriotic Resistance by clicking here:

Thanks for taking action!

Steve Elliott,

P.S. This is why we organized the Patriotic Resistance. Please take action today and ask your friends to stand as well. Also, we have put links to several resources, including Michelle Malkin's column, on the home page of ResistNet. Go here to access:

If you haven't done so already, I encourage you to sign up at ResistNet --  the social network of the Patriotic Resistance. There are already dozens of forums and blogs discussing this issue. Here's a sampling (you must sign up to acces this link):

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