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Americans Protest Gaza Censorship

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Hundreds of Americans have held demonstrations in Washington against the censorship of the Israeli atrocities in Gaza in the US media.

According to the IRIB, people gathered in front of the Washington Post office in the US capital, trampling underfoot American papers and chanting slogans against the media.

Demonstrations called on media to show the atrocities of Israel in Gaza Strip.

The Washington-backed Israeli offensive against the Gaza Strip which began on December 27 has so far killed about 1,200 Palestinians, half of them civilians, and injured more than 5,300 others.

The demonstrators further urged the swift withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza Strip.

Dozens of rallies have so far been held in the US against corporations or officials, like Rep. John Lewis, Sue Myrick, and Sen. Charles Schumer who have voiced support of the Israeli attacks on Gaza.

Protesters have marched past the New York Times and Time Warner offices to CNN headquarters, chanting “CNN, New York Times, stop hiding Israeli crimes.”

More than 95 percent of US media are reportedly controlled by the Israeli lobby.