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Tell The Senate To Reject Nominee Admiral Blair Who Greenlighted Genocide

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Subject: Reject Admiral Blair for Director of National Intelligence because of East Timor massacres, A Tiny Cowboy Hat for a Very Small Man, and More


Date: Thursday, January 15, 2009, 12:38 PM

Tell The Senate To Reject Nominee Admiral Blair Who Greenlighted Genocide

True progressives have found various Obama appointments so far to leave much to be desired .  .  .  even to the point of being disturbing.  But the nomination of Admiral Dennis Blair for Director of National Intelligence cannot be permitted to pass under any circumstances.

As reported by Democracy Now, when genocidal monsters in the Indonesian military were committing massacres in East Timor, Admiral Blair DEFIED his orders to get them to stop, and instead gave them encouragement to continue.  He then lied to Congress about it all.  No such loose cannon with such blood on his hands can be allowed in the new administration.  The links to both these video stories can be found on the Reject Blair Action Page below:

Reject Blair Action Page:

Director of National Intelligence requires Senate confirmation, so please also call your Senators directly tollfree at 800-828-0498, 800-473-6711, especially if you have new Senators coming in, ask for them by name and leave your message opposing this appointment.

Torture Question You Voted For Is Now Breaking National News Story

All of our participants who voted for the special prosecutor for torture question had a real impact this week.  The fact that we the people voted this question number one on the Obama "change" site made the New York Times, got a featured segment on Keith Olbermann and there is more to come.

As our focus shifts now to prosecuting the current criminal residents of the White House for what they have done, we are happy to report we just got in the first huge delivery of the new "Convict Dick & W" caps.  We'll be working all weekend to get the ones you have already requested ready for shipment, so there is still time to get in on the first mailing if you request yours now.

Convict Dick & W Caps:

And the extra special news is that just before we went into production we asked the embroidery digitizer to hang a little cowboy hat on the "W" in the "Convict Dick & W".  Yes, a little cowboy hat for a very small and cowardly man, the cowboy from Connecticut, our first presidential convicted felon to be, George W.  Bush.  It's perfect, in red, white and blue.

We are not setting a price for these.  You can have one for a contribution of any amount.  We just want to put as many out there as possible.  And we will have much more news for you soon about planned actions to pressure prosecutors at all levels to step up to the plate and do their duty.

AIDS Bike Ride Support Page

We heard from one of our participants already about the upcoming AIDS/Lifecycle 8 bike ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles, starting May 31, 2009, to raise awareness for those living with HIV/AIDS.  We would like to set up a support page for this worthy event on our site.  So please if there are any other of our participants interested who are involved in this please email back so we can include you.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.

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