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Support Gazans: Call President Elect Obama's Transition Team at (202) 540-3000

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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 5:16 PM
Subject: [WETHEPEOPLE_UNITED] Support Gazans: Call President Elect Obama's Transition Team at (202) 540-3000

Good morning-

Please take a moment and call President Elect Obama?s Transition Team at (202) 540-3000 and voice your concern regarding the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza. I called this morning. After the brief automated introduction, I pressed 2 and talked to a staff member. Please make it clear that Mr. Obama ran his presidential campaign and platform on CHANGE and we hope that he is not the STATUS QUO when it comes to the plight of the Palestinian People. As always, please be polite to the staff members and get your point across in a succinct and courteous manner.

Once done, please forward this email to your network of friends and family

members and have them call and ask them to keep forwarding this email, and

get involved.

Thank you.

P.S. This only takes less than 30 seconds.