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A Promise Made To Ramos and Compean

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

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From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance


Only a week remains for Grassfire team members to DIRECTLY appeal to President Bush--urging him to do the right and compassionate thing by freeing imprisoned border agents Nacho Ramos and Jose Compean.

During an exit interview, the President was asked about pardoning Ramos and Compean and replied flatly, "I'm not talking pardons."

We are obviously in the President's head about Ramos and Compean, and with a week remaining, I want to appeal to EVERY member of our team to personally get involved!

I suspect you simply missed my last email alert to schedule your personalized faxes to the President and key influential targets--including your two Senators and Representative for a gift of ANY AMOUNT!

Please help by clicking here:

If you would prefer to send the faxes yourself, we have provided all the information you need (including fax numbers) at this special FaxFire site. Whatever method you choose, it is vital that you do something to help.   Thank you!

+ + A Promise Made. A Promise Kept

Ron De Jong and I promised the Ramos and Compean families that we would do everything in our power to bring the plight of theirhusband's to the nation--especially with time running out!

Late last week, Grassfire was given a unique opportunity to help host a full-page ad demanding freedom for Ramos and Compean in one of the nation's most respected newspapers, The Washington Times.

I'd like you to see the ad that will be running in Wednesday's paper by clicking here:

Coupled with thousands of faxes and phone calls, this ad will reach virtually every decision maker in Washington and around the nation--no doubt turning the heat up on the President to do the right and compassionate thing!

I am intent on keeping my promise to these families, and I'm calling on ALL members of our team to take immediate action by clicking here:

++ Call the White House Every Day!

In addition to scheduling your faxes, please continue calling the White House daily--urging the President to free Ramos and Compean.

Here is the contact number: 202-456-1111

Thank you in advance for answering my call to action.


P.S: Please continue alerting your friends to the plight of Ramos and Compean and the importance of grassroots citizens working in tandem these next few days to free these men. Urge them to click here to help:

P.P.S: To write Jose Compean or Nacho Ramos, see below:

Ignacio Ramos #58079-180

FCI Phoenix

Federal Correctional Institution

37910 N. 45th Avenue

Phoenix, AZ 85086

Jose Compean #58080180

FCI Elkton

PO Box 10

Lisbon, OH 44432

+   +  +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +  +  +   +   +   +   +   +   +   + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c)4 issues advocacy organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not tax deductible.

+ + Comments? Questions?