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Boycott Israel Campaign

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From: BA
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 6:42 AM
Subject: Gaza - what can YOU do?

Dear Patrick

Over the last few weeks (and not for the first time), I have been appalled by the actions of Israel in Gaza and have frequently been left  thinking "what can I do" to help, as I am sure many others have.

Consequently, I have compiled the attached list of resources for anyone else who wishes to take action rather than let politicians continue their lip-service whilst the genocide continues.

I trust that Fourwinds readers will find it helpful

In love and light


Gaza – What can YOU do?

Actually, you can do quite a lot. Israel is almost totally dependent on other countries not only for the arms it uses to kill innocent civilians, but for much of its day-to-day produce and infrastructure.

In the USA, the most important thing is to stop the €3Bn in weapons sent to Israel EVERY YEAR, but, given that Congressmen and Representatives from BOTH SIDES of the house are firmly in the pocket of the Israeli lobby, what can you do?

Here are just 10 things you can do TODAY to help stop the killing.

1 - Boycott Israeli goods

The Israeli economy is highly dependent on international trade to fund its military machine. By far the most effective thing you can do as an individual is to REFUSE to support Israeli businesses in their nation’s genocide. Additionally, by boycotting brands who are highly reliant on Israeli manufacturers, you can help pressurise those brands to withdraw THEIR patronage of Israeli companies, which is even more effective. Some of the largest Israeli supported brands include:

AOL Time Warner

Apax Partners & Co Ltd



Delta Galil (Gap, Victoria’s Secret, Banana Republic, JC Penney, Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, Boss etc)


Estée Lauder


Johnson & Johnson


Lewis Trust Group Ltd (River Island clothing, Isrhotels, Ibrhotels, Britannia Pacific Properties)


Marks & Spencer


News Corporation



Sara Lee


The Limited Inc

Home Depot





Arsenal FC (UK)

More information on boycotting Israeli goods can be found here (USA/international) and Here (UK)

2 - Petition - Suspend EU-Israel Association Agreement

The EU is Israel's biggest importer of goods, and its second biggest exporter. In 2006 the total traded between the EU and Israel amounted to 23.5 BILLION Euros.

The EU-Israel Association Agreement forms the legal basis for this relationship which gives Israel preferential trade terms with EU countries.

Article 2 of the Agreement states that these relations shall be based on respect for human rights and democratic principles which must guide  internal and international policy.

The EU is therefore obligated under this Article to suspend the EU-Israel Association Agreement whilst Israel is in breach of human rights.

We call on the EU to IMMEDIATELY suspend the EU-Israel Association Agreement (as required by the agreement itself) until Israel respects human rights and International Law.

Sign the petition here

Delegation of the European Commission to the State of Israel


Paz Tower 15th - 16th floors

5-7 Shoham Street

Ramat Gan

Postal Address:   

P.O.Box 3513

Ramat Gan 52136



See Organigramme




See Organigramme

3 - Flood Israeli embassies and consulates with letters and calls decrying the attacks. Find contact info for Israeli embassies around the world.

4 - Sign the petition in support of UN General Assembly President

Father Miguel D'Escoto Brockmann

He has spoken out to condemn Israeli Apartheid and called for boycott, divestment and sanctions.

5 – Write to your representatives telling them you will NOT support Israel’s genocide or their complicity.

UK - Write to your member of parliament.

If you are in the UK, you can find your MP's details on this site:

Just enter your postcode.

If you are in the UK you can do the following (or the equivalent if you live elsewhere)

Write to:

(a) the Labour Party using this online form:

(b) the leader of the Conservative Party, David Cameron

Write to the office of the UK Prime Minister - Gordon Brown

You can no longer email the PM (wonder why??????) as the facility has been removed from the Number 10 website, however, you can write of fax – the addresses are below. If you are a member of his constituency, you can contact Gordon Brown via web form here. Logically, his Parliamentary email address should be (using the same format as Miliband (below).

You can write to the PM at the following address:

10 Downing Street,



Fax on +44 20 7925 0918

Or the Foreign Secretary, David Milliband


Ede House

143 Westoe Road

South Shields

NE33 3PD


(0191) 456 8910


6. If you are in the USA

  1. Contact the White House to protest the attacks and demand an immediate cease-fire. Call 202-456-1111 or send an email to
  2. Contact the State Department at 202-647-6575.
  3. Contact your Representative and Senators in Congress at 202-224-3121 or by email
  4. Contact your local media by phoning into a talk show or writing a letter to the editor. Find their contact information here.

Example complaint sent to the BBC on 12 Jan 09

Regarding the coverage of the ongoing crisis in Gaza, the BBC has failed in its self-imposed duty of impartiality as well as its obligation to provide objective, balanced coverage of the conflict.

Virtually every broadcast I have seen regarding the illegal invasion of Gaza by Israel refers to "Israeli forces" or "Israeli army" and "Hamas rebels" in its opening comments.

This is erroneous, misleading and factually incorrect, presumably intentionally.

Hamas is the legally (and democratically) elected Government of the Gazan people. Whether Israel or the BBC supports this legally elected Government is irrelevant, it is the de facto official Government of the region - in what way, therefore, is it a "rebel" organisation? Against whom does it rebel - an illegal occupying force?

Contrary to BBC reporting, Hamas did not initiate the current conflict, which the UN explicitly states was due to illegal Israeli attacks on November 4th - why does the BBC then perpetuate the erroneous position that the conflict was started by Hamas?

Israel's blockade of Gaza since it's "withdrawal" in 2005 is illegal under international law and is in itself, a de facto act of war justifying defensive actions by the aggrieved party. That Hamas has responded in its limited capacity (as the legally obliged Government body responsible for protecting its citizens) is not only to be expected, but entirely justifiable.

The BBS utterly fails to report the continued contempt of Israel for the international community generally, and the UN specifically. This is evidenced by the failure of Israel to conform to the humanitarian norms of civilised society and its utter contempt for international law, examples of which include:-

    * Total failure to comply with numerous UN security council resolutions condemning Israeli aggression against its neighbours (and its indigenous population). These number in the dozens of individual examples, despite the fact that Israel has been successful in using its apologists (such as yourself) in the UK and US administrations to immorally veto the majority of attempted actions against it. This utter contempt for international law, alone, is enough to justify international sanctions against Israel, as would readily be enacted against any other country, were it to dare to act in a similar fashion.

    * Ongoing, repeated acts of barbaric aggression in contravention of the 3rd Geneva convention on human rights, including, but not limited to:

          o Creation of illegal Jewish-only "settlements" in the occupied territories.

          o The illegal blockade of Gaza (which is a de facto act of war, committed by Israel)

          o A disproportionate response to the minimal damage done by unguided rockets fired from Gaza in response to the above-mentioned act of war.

          o Deliberate targeting of civilian areas with guided munitions.

          o Use of white phosphorus and depleted uranium munitions (both illegal under international law).

          o Collective punishment of the entire civilian population of Gaza (the true, indigenous population of the area).

    * Development and construction of nuclear weapons, illegal under the nuclear non-proliferation act, to which Israel is a signatory.

These matters are utterly unreported by the BBC, which is therefore complicit in these war crimes as well as derelict in relation to its duties to be impartial and objective.

I will have no hesitation in taking these failures higher should the corporation not recognise and fulfil its obligations in respect to this most heinous situation.

7. If you are in the EU

If you are in Europe write to your MEP and the Delegation of the European Commission to the State of Israel

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8. Join the END the Occupation campaign

9. Refuse to watch the corporate media, who are complicit in this atrocity. Instead, get your news from Web-sources, such as Fourwinds, The Real News and similar sources

10. Stay Alert, stay awake and ACT NOW, because next time, it might not be the Gazans, it might be YOU!