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Gates Plan To Close Down Guantánamo an Important First Step

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Take Action: *

<>Signthe open letter to President-elect Obama to demonstrate your support for himto close Guantánamo.

Last month, Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced that he had ordered aides to draw up plans for closing down the prison camp at Guantánamo Bay, an important first step toward turning the page on eight years of shameful policies that allowed torture and violations of domestic and international law.

"The fact that Defense Secretary Gates is finally taking steps to close down Guantánamo and its unconstitutional military commissions is a welcome and encouraging sign that President-elect Obama intends to fulfill his campaign pledge," said Anthony D. Romero, Executive Director of the ACLU. "We are confident that, once in office, President Obama will give us an America we can be proud of again and return to our tried and true established system of justice."

Days after the election, the ACLU called on President-elect Obama to close the prison at Guantánamo Bay and shut down the military commissions on his first day in the White House.

*>>Take Action: *

<>Signthe open letter to President-elect Obama to demonstrate your support for himto close Guantánamo.

*>> Learn* <> more about the ACLU's campaign to close Guantánamo and end the military commissions.