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Tens Of Thousands March In DC Against Israel

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Tens of thousands marched under the slogan of "Let Gaza Live" in Washington, DC today. The demonstration began with a rally at the White House. Featured speakers included former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, who was just on a humanitarian relief mission attempting to bring supplies to Gaza when the boat she was on was intentionally struck by an Israeli military vessel; Mahdi Bray, Executive20Director, Muslim American Society Freedom; Rev. Graylan Hagler, National President of Ministers for Racial, Social and Economic Justice; Mounzer Sleiman, Vice Chairman, National Council of Arab Americans; Ralph Nader; Paul Zulkowitz, Jews Against the Occupation; Brian Becker, National Coordinator, ANSWER Coalition; Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, attorney and co-founder, Partnership for Civil Justice; and others.

The National March on Washington was called on one week's notice, with other Jan. 10 Emergency Actions in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and elsewhere.

"The fact that thousands came together in Washington, DC, in freezing rain, to show their support for the people of Palestine is a clear sign of a growing movement in opposition to the Israeli war against Gaza. People are outraged that the U.S. government spends $15 million every day killing Palestinian men, women, and children," stated Brian Becker, National Coordinator of the ANSWER Coalition.

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