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Global protests are continuing against Israeli aggression in Gaza as Israeli forces have launched a ground attack into the region.

People across the Middle East are showing their support for Palestinians.

Hundreds have taken part in a demonstration in Indian controlled Kashmir. Protesters included activists from the Communist Party. The march follows a violent demonstration on Friday where security forces used tear gas.

In Great Britain crowds of Palestinian supporters gathered to protest Israel’s attacks. Protesters holding banners and Palestinian flags marched through the streets of central London in what was a peaceful protest.

In Berlin, an estimated three thousand people marched waving Palestinian flags and chanting. There were other demonstrations in the German cities of Dusseldorf and Frankfurt.

Palestinians living in Colombia staged a protest against the Israeli bombardment of Gaza. Demonstrators walked through the streets of the capital, Bogota, chanting anti-Israeli slogans. Some protestors set fire to Israeli and U.S. flags defaced with barbwire and skulls.

Police in Paris say about 21,000 people took part in an anti-Israel protest. Crowds shouted “We are all Palestinians” and called for the protection of Gaza. The demonstration ended with police clashes.

Earlier, the Israeli military operation in Gaza has sparked a wave of protests across the United States – Israel’s traditional ally. On Friday, dozens of pro-peace activists took to the streets of Washington in support of Gaza.