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Sent: Monday, January 05, 2009 10:59 AM
Subject: Hal Turner



Hal Turner’s explosive announcement of the receipt of detailed information regarding bribes paid by Israel to government representatives and people in the media sounds like it could well be the vitally important leverage to repair America’s future that so many have been praying for. Surely the West’s response to Gaza provides undeniable evidence that Israel’s policies and “influence” is pervasive, ruthless, utterly self-serving and completely immoral.


To my mind there is absolutely NO question that he MUST publish ALL the findings, preferably after due diligence and independent corroboration, but, if necessary, using “it is alleged that”. Time is very much of the essence, as those involved will be desperately trying to cover their tracks and should not be given any chance to find another stone to hide themselves or their ill-gotten gainsunder.


That Hal Turner is faced with a conflict of conscience is understandable, for it most certainly is true he could bargain for some tens of millions to let the matter drop. But in accepting a pay-off, he places himself in exactly the same position as the recipients of the bribes. No way would he be allowed to retire in comfort, he would be ordered to remain in post and become just another pliant mouth-piece. And that would be a conflict of conscience that will be with him for the rest of his life -  or until it is decided he is no longer of use to the cause.


What will be his reward if he blows the lid right off this corrupt can of worms? The inestimable respect of many honest God-fearing people, patriotic Americans and other countrymen, who have helplessly watched their Government rot from the inside.


The possibility exists that these revelations could indirectly expedite the Settlements, even NESARA itself. Then Sir, you may certainly expect to receive monetary compensation from those beneficiaries that will ensure a very comfortable future for you and your family – heck, not to mention the books and, Hollywood moguls permitting, the film rights!


“Methinks, Hal Turner, thou art indeed the Chosen One”


Hal Turner... you know what you have to do. Please DO IT WELL, and be sure every honest one of us is right behind you.


Supporters of The Chosen One Incorporated