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Open Letter to Mark Regev, Spokesperson for Prime Minister of Israel

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----- Original Message -----
From: S
Sent: Thursday, January 01, 2009 4:33 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


Dear Ann and Patrick,

 Thank you for you New Year Wishes I send them to you too.


 On 4winds you posted an article requesting that we  write to the Israeli Government. ( "CALL TO ACTION: SHIP ON MERCY MISSION TO GAZA UNDER ATTACK BY ISRAELI NAVY BOATS" ( ) I responded and I enclose my letter. It really addresses any attacking  government, of any time and any place. Untill we dare to look with seeing eyes and feel with an open heart we can not see the destruction we inflict on another, or feel the pain of another.

 I pray for more eyes and hearts to open in 2009.

 Love and Light




 Dear Mark Regev,


 You are in contact with the present Prime Minister of Israel. I ask you to read all I have written and consider.


Some people do not ignore genocide. Some people have the integrity to open their eyes. Thus war profiteers are exposed by great people.


 How would I feel if one of my children was blown to pieces, and another child was critically  maimed. half their face blown away, and an arm  hanging limply by its side as their anguished  screams rent the air?


 How would I feel as I stood there watching  my child writhing in agony. helpless as there was  no hospital to go to, no drugs and no doctor? All destroyed, dead or dying.


 How would I feel as my husband grief stricken,  collapsed to the ground as he held another of  our children, bloody and dead?


How would I feel - knowing others from the humanitarian groups from outside the walls that imprisoned us were being prevented from bringing aid to us? That their ship was being attacked to stop the How would I feel ?


 How would I feel ? How would I really feel ?

 Do you know if the Prime Minister of Israel, ever stops a  moment to consider how they would  feel ?


 Do you know how each member of your Parliament feels,  each member who is party to such inhuman behaviour  towards the Palestinian babies, children, women, and men,  feel under your bloody onslaught?


 Do you know ? Have you considered to ask yourself?  Have you considered to ask others how they would feel? Have any one of you considered to ask?

 It takes courage! Great courage!

> Greater courage than to sit behind guns and armoured


vehicles and shoot innocent people. That, is an in actuality, an act of cowedice!


 How would you feel knowing that you, and each one of you in your government, is part of an act of genocide? Is murder a better name? You are not alone! Each one of us who that standsdumbly by because we dare not feel and thus speak  up, is also part of that act of genocide, by default of  not feeling, and not speaking u More and more people of the world are feeling and are  looking in your direction and seeing just what you all,  of the Israeli Government are doing and are fully responsible for. And they are speaking up and saying to you \"stop!\ I say \"forgive them for they know not what they do!"  But perhaps you do know!


 Some people of the world are not looking away anymore,  some people are daring to look and to feel and to act They feel and see the shame deeply hidden in you all.  For when we attack another we attack ourselves when  we kill another we kill our own tender hearts.


 But when we see the inner beauty and true spiritual value of ourselves we see it in every single other human being.


 Where there is lack of true self-value, shame lies. Beneath  shame lies fear, beneath fear lies moral weakness. Moralweakness shows up as arrogance, bullying, cruelty and brutality  towards ones fellow human kind.

 "As a man thinketh so is he\". Their beliefs cause them to act  accordinglyIt is an immutable universal law  - 'what you create so you will  attract back ten or one hundred fold ! Or in another way - We all reap what we sow! Individually and collectively.  Non of us can hide behind our mothers peticoats any longer


 How much are you willing to look with open, honest eyes see  what is being done by yourself and your colleagues?


 Mr Regev, how much are you willing to dare to connect  with your heart and feelings and thus act out of \'love and compassion\' ? 

 In heartfelt sincerity,