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Breaking News on Obama Resistance

Steve Elliott

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From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

I have two important updates for you on the "Join the Resistance" campaign.

First, thanks to you and so many others, we just crossed 300,000 Resisters! This is a major step as we continue to build toward Inauguration Day and having in place the largest, best-equipped team to resist Obama's socialist agenda.

Second, many team members have asked us to create an online social network for the Resistance. Well, I'm thrilled to announce that, today, we are launching --  the official online social network for the Join the Resistance campaign.

          You are invited to be among the first members of ResistNet

          -- a place where you can get the latest updates on the

          campaign and network with thousands of other citizen

          resisters. Go here:

+ + Exclusive Resistance campaign updates on has all the power and tools of other social networks like Facebook, but it is exclusively for Join the Resistance team members and their friends.

My staff will be posting the latest updates on the status of the campaign on ResistNet under a special "HQ" group. Here you can dialogue with Grassfire and other Resisters on the best strategy to stop Obama's agenda.

We also have posted exclusive "sneak peeks" inside the "Living in an Obama Nation" booklet on nine key issues including: amnesty, tax increases, globalism, socialism, gun control and more.

          Go here to access these resources on

This is YOUR Resistance. is just one of what I hope will be many custom tools and resources Grassfire will put in your hands. Thanks again for joining the Resistance and I hope to see you on

Steve Elliott, President

P.S. If you have not yet requested your copy of our 48-page resistance manual, "Living in an Obama Nation," please do so now. We have already shipped over 19,000 copies and I want you to have your copy as well. Go here to order the booklet:

And go here to join

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+ + + + + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c) 4 issues advocacy organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not tax deductible.