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President Bush is turning a blind eye to our crumbling economy.

Kate Staymen-London, CREDO Action

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The Bush Administration has invested almost $300 billion in Wall Street with little to show for it. Last week, after Republicans in the Senate blocked temporary assistance for General Motors and Chrysler, Mr. Bush said he would step in to help. Since then, he has been busy visiting Iraq and Afghanistan, and signing special midnight regulations that harm the public interest. Somehow, he has not had time to work out a way to help the hundreds of thousands of auto workers. He is still "weighing his options".

So this week, both General Motors and Chrysler have announced that they are shutting down just about all of their factories for the next month. With foreclosures, bankruptcies, and layoff announcements at levels not seen since the Depression, it is time for Mr. Bush to act. We all know that the management of the auto companies has been just about the worst of any American industry. We know that Detroit has to start making fuel efficient cars that every day people want to buy. And we know that Detroit should not use any assistance to lobby against clean air or fuel efficiency laws.

A new administration will take office in a little over a month. The economy simply cannot wait that long.

Click here to send an e-mail to President Bush right now. Tell him that working families need his help, and turning a blind eye isn't getting the job done.

Thank you for working to build a better world.

Kate Stayman-London, Campaign Manager

CREDO Action from Working Assets

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Stand up for working families.
Chrysler and GM have already laid off thousands of workers while President Bush sits on his hands. We need swift, decisive action to save our economy — January 20th is just too late.