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In honor of Iraqi reporter Muntader al-Zaidi, as a show of solidarity, spread the word, take off your shoes!


Bush Shoe 


I'm constantly asked, "But what can I do?", well, now we all have an answer.

What Muntader al-Zaidi did was something we all should be doing to every politician that isn't doing what's right. Enough is enough!

From now until New Years I'm taking my shoes off! And I'm asking that this show of support for Mr. al-Zaidi and at our disgust at all that our government is doing that we be spread far and wide, that every journalist, reporter, writer, shop keeper, bus driver, baker and candle-stick maker, everyone that is feed-up with war, economy, no accountability, do the same. Wear a pair around your neck when in line, walking around your office, at a restaurant, on a date. And I see no reason this should stop at New Years. But what a way to bring in the New Year if by than there were millions of people in a show of disgust at the killing and thievery that is going on would symbolically throw our shoes at those so doing such.

What would Bush do at his next press briefing if all the reporters had their shoes hanging from their shoulders? Perino might never come to the podium.

Don't get stupid, I don't want people getting frost-bite, for those that can't take their shoes off and wear them over your shoulders, grab an old pair out of your closet. When people ask, tell them why you have a pair of shoes draped over your shoulders and ask them to join you. Let this be our "I'm mad as Hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore"  moment!

Ladies, pin your child's baby shoes to your clothing in honor of all those children that have died because of illegal wars.

Spread the word! Join me in spreading this to every blog, email your friends, ask your co-workers, put this on digg it, buzz up and reddit, instead of a reef, hang a pair of shoes on your door for the holidays, put a pair in the back window of your car, don't let this moment pass! What Muntader al-Zaidi did should not be forgotten and buried by the system, that show of disrespect for those that deserve no respect should be our call.

Spread the word! Shoes for Peace! Shoes for Accountability! Shoes for those that have died for greed, and twisted power, born out of a sickness that no normal man can possibly comprehend ... it's a small price to pay to suffer at little nip, maybe catch a pebble, to make a point so simply. Where a pair of shoes around your neck. What can it hurt?

Ask Bush ...

This is the perfect silent protest and show of solidarity for all that is right.

Throw your shoes!

Authors Bio: Currently I'm a cartoonist and contributing writer for The New Orleans Levee. For those wishing to view my work you can see my latest at: