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Obama Tips HIs Hand on Immigration Plan

Steve Elliott

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Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

            + + Urgent Immigration Update ++


With the appointment of Cecilia Munoz, an 18-year veteran of the National Council of La Raza, and Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano, who opposes the border fence, it's painfully obvious where Obama wants to steer the immigration debate...

These two appointments to key positions in his administration are serious cause for alarm for anyone who is concerned about protecting our safety and sovereignty.

         How can someone who worked for an organization whose

         sole purpose was to systematically dismantle border

         enforcement and undermine the immigration system,

         suddenly represent the broader national interest?

         The answer is, it can't be done!

With these appointments, Obama is tipping his hand and sending a message to Americans who want real border security that it simply isn't going to happen on his watch.

Instead, we anticipate he will move quickly to press for comprehensive reform that throws open the doors to millions of illegals!

And who will pay for the influx of illegals during these challenging economic times?

You and me, of course.

To beat back this anticipated immigration storm, I need your help right now--ahead of the curve, helping me rally and mobilize critically needed extra support in the days leading to Inauguration Day.

++ Action Item # 1--Alert your friends

Between now and January 20, I'm asking ALL members of our team who are RESISTING Obama's immigration plan to forward this message to 30-40 friends urging them to click below and sign our petition.

Again, with these appointments, it is obvious what Obama has instore for us regarding immigration. Our only hope to amass a grassroots coalition of citizens who will RESIST yet another attempt to tear down our borders!

Thank you for your quick response.


 P.S: We've reached a critical phase, and we must get our message out to as many citizens as possible. Patrick, you've been an ardent supporter of border security, and I'm counting on you to once again lead the charge by sparking a grassfire of support in the coming days!

+ + + + + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c)4 issues advocacy organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not tax deductible.

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