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Support The Nadler Initiative Against The Planned Bush Blanket Pardons

The Pen

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From: The Pen <>

Support The Nadler Initiative Against The Planned Bush Blanket Pardons

Date: Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 11:03 PM

Ask Your House Member To

Co-Sponsor H.Res. 1531 Against The Bush

Preemptive Pardons

Another day, another non-denial denial that Bush is planning midnight

preemptive blanket pardons for his entire gang, including himself. In

an article in the New York Times the other day, current attorney

general Mukasey is quoted as asserting it would not be "necessary".

Please take careful note he did not say it wouldn't happen, because

unless we speak out now it WILL.

The best shot we have is H.Res. 1531 which puts the administration on

clear notice that there will be strong push back from Congress if

they attempt such a scurrilous stunt. Please submit this action page

to ask your House member to sign on as a co-sponsor of this measure.

Support H.Res. 1531 Action Page:

We all know that George Bush as someone without even the guts to face

his own music, he who sent more that four

thousand brave Americans to

their senseless graves, for a premeditated and knowing lie in Iraq,

tens of thousands of American crippled and mutilated for life,

trillions looted from our economy, and he doesn't even have the

simple courage to risk the accountability of having to defend his

numberless crimes in a fair trial.

It is now known that Nixon seriously considered pardoning himself,

but even he was not THAT despicable. George Bush most certainly is.

And remember that his administration has been infested with Nixon era

cronies like Cheney and Rumsfeld, so it is no surprise that the

malfeasance of the Nixon era has been magnified in the last eight


Nixon infamously said, "If the president does it that means it is not

illegal", conveniently after his own blanket pardon by the way. That

has been their creed. The entire Bush administration has been one

ongoing criminal enterprise

since day one, a wrecking ball to the

Constitution and rule of law, with torture, illegal surveillance,

obstruction and perversion of justice in the firing of U.S.

attorneys, not to mention national level election fraud, the naked

treason of outing Valerie Plame, and on and on.

And the only way we can make sure nothing like this EVER happens

again is to demand full accountability, so that all America truly

understands what a miserable, lying, cowardly creep we were so

foolish as to allow get away with stealing two successive

presidential elections.

Please call on your members of Congress to immediately sign on to

H.Res. 1531, and let's have a real national debate on the coming

greatest outrage of all, before they get away with that too.

Support H.Res. 1531 Action Page:

And you can also still get an "Impeach Both!!!" cap from the return


from the action page submission. We're not going to say "while

supplies last", because we'll manufacture as many as you can wear,

right up until the last minute. Another 600 are going out today, for

a total of upwards of 2,000 more in just the last two weeks. So if

you have already requested yours, it is most likely already on the


Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed

to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.

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