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How Long Will It Take?

Media Mike

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----- Original Message -----
From: JB
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 11:47 PM
Subject: Re: [WETHEPEOPLE_UNITED] How Long Will It Take?
Once Obama has taken office, and surrounded himself with the same people that McCain would have appointed to cabinet positions, and nothing has changed that really matters in our lives, how long will it take for the Sheople to realize that they are still being sheared?

When the soldiers are still in Iraq, Afghanistan, and 100 other countries, and the pharmaceutical industry is still poisoning us with daily doses of lethal chemicals, and our food is still being genetically modified, and depleted of any nutritional value, is THAT enough to get people to say, "NO!"?

When the skies are still being filled with barium sulfate and aluminum oxide, and the currency is still being trashed by pyramid monetary policy, and Social Security is even more in the red, will THAT be what wakes the masses to realize that NOTHING changed?

When the new President keeps the "Free Speech Zones" behind barbed wire 500 yards from where the action is, and the borders are STILL wide open to the current invasion of our country, and AT&T CONTINUES to spy on every phone call and email, and billions of dollars continue to disappear down that rabbit hole called Israeli government, will THAT be enough?

There is only one way to stop these EGREGIOUS VIOLATIONS of our rights from happening!


If everyone STOPPED working, purchasing, consuming, watching TV, buying newspapers, TRADING STOCKS...for just 7 days... the machine would starve.


 ...and for God's sake, can you stop electing the same masters that you elected last time? (Republicans, Democrats, all the same.)

I want America back. Now you know how to get her back.

MediaMike, Phoenix