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Letter to H-S Precision

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From: WB
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2008 11:15 PM
Subject: FW: Letter to H-S Precision -- Please read, write, and pass on

Dear Patrick Bellringer: This is FYI and consideration.


Kind Regards, WB

 Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2008 19:39:11 -0800


 Subject: Letter to H-S Precision -- Please read, write, and pass on



 Wednesday, December 3, 2008 4:21 PM




 Message contains attachments20081203H-SPrecision_reLonHoriuchiTemplate.doc (44KB)



 Most of us have heard from several sources that H-S Precision employs Lon Tomohisa Horiuchi, the former FBI sniper who killed Randy Weaver’s wife at Ruby Ridge in 1992, while she held a baby in her arms. While this is well documented and most likely true, I urge you to read the letter I sent and craft similar letters in your own words, asking if it’s true and calmly informing Mr. Barclay that you want to find the truth and take action based on correct information. (There are too many frauds out there to go off half-cocked.) This courteous and respectful tone also gives H-S Precision a chance to take appropriate action and inform us that they have done so, reminding everyone that we Second Amendment supporters vote and act for our beliefs and interests. That’s also a good thing.

> So, please take the letter, rewrite it in your own words, format it in your preferred style, and send it off to Mr. Barclay. (E-mail me a copy, please.) I have furnished the letter I wrote and sent below and attached a template in MS Word format to make it easy for your to create your own letter. Also, please pass this on to others who might write.

 Remember the words of Benjamin Franklin: “Gentlemen, either we all hang together, or we shall surely hang separately.”




 3 December 2008

 Brad Barclay, Vice President of Manufacturing

 H-S Precision, Inc.

 1301 Turbine Dr .

 Rapid City, SD 57703-4741

 605/341-3006, FAX 605/342-8964,

 Topic: Your employment of Lon Tomohisa Horiuchi, the former FBI sniper

 Dear Mr. Barclay,

 Several friends notified me to the effect that H-S Precision, Inc. employs Lon Tomohisa Horiuchi, who was the sniper who killed Randy Weaver’s wife at Ruby Ridge in 1992. Some of us current and potential customers object to his employment by a company with whom we do business.

 Please reply to this letter promptly with the correct information about this allegation. If it is false, I plan to inform the membership of the New Jersey Arms Collector’s Club, the Mount Freedom Rifle & Pistol club, and my many friends and acquaintances who are firearms collectors and enthusiasts of the scurrilous accusation against your company and to encourage them to continue considering H-S Precision for their stocks, trigger assemblies, and other accessories.

 On the other hand, if it is true and you do employ or otherwise engage the services of this killer of an innocent woman as she held a baby in her arms, then I plan to tell the same people of that fact and encourage them to find alternate sources for stocks, trigger assemblies, and other accessories that they might have otherwise acquired from H-S Precision.

 Again, please respond quickly so I can see that the correct information is disseminated to fellow members and friends via my personal communication and publication in the newsletters of the two clubs mentioned above.

 Thank you, in advance, for your attention to this letter and prompt response to it.



 Charles H. Collins, Jr.

 3 Nalron Drive

 Ledgewood, NJ, 07852




 Charles H. Collins, Jr.

 3 Nalron Drive

 Ledgewood, NJ, 07852

 973/927-0624, cell 732/684-1369