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Federal Reserve Bank protest in uptown Charlotte

James Rink

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Justin Ritchie, James Willamor, a couple other friends and I went to the Federal Reserve Bank protest this Saturday. We stayed for a little under an hour, got a lot of photos and video, and ate lunch with a couple of the protestors afterwards at Fuel.

None of us so much participated in the picketing and shouting as much as we did try to understand what the point of the whole thing was. It’s no secret that I’m a Ron Paul fan, but what exactly is so bad about the Federal Reserve Bank?

view this image in super-high res on Flickr (careful, huge image)

Watch our video for some pretty good explanations as answered by several of the more vocal protestors. And as for some background info on the protest, see the following info that James and I collected:

  • today is the 45th anniversary of the assassination of JFK, who the protesters claim was trying to end the Federal Reserve
  • 98 years ago (end of November 1910) bankers met at Jekyll Island, Georgia, to discuss the creation of the Federal Reserve
  • while there were protesters from many groups, helped organize protests in 39 cities with Federal Reserve banks
  • the protest was in support of the bill H.R. 2766, which would repeal the Federal Reserve Act, and is sponsored by Ron Paul (R-TX)
  • Alex Jones, and his website/show, Prison Planet, were mentioned several times as a source of information and discussion around this and similar topics
  • also mentioned was the Ludwig von Mises Institute, which describes itself as a “research and educational center of classical liberalism, libertarian political theory, and the Austrian School of economics”

I’m curious what everyone thinks. Do you think the protest was justified? Do you think the protestors are going about bringing change the right way?

See below for the photos James & I took of the protestors. Or view James’s photos and my photos on Flickr.