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WE WILL DIE ON OUR FEET BEFORE WE WILL LIVE ON OUR KNEES! (However, we believe neither is appropriate or necessary!)

Dennis Grover

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from the Nevada Freedom Alliance

Liberty Vs. Republican Party Leadership

Dear Friends of Liberty,

WE WILL DIE ON OUR FEET BEFORE WE WILL LIVE ON OUR KNEES! (However, we believe neither is appropriate or necessary!)

Yours truly,

The Nevada Freedom Alliance, Americans

(If you agree with the above statement, read on, if not, we wish you the best with your choice)

Dear American,

What you are about to read applies to all Americans not just Nevadans. This particular action merely starts here. Remember, we did not fail, we were temporarily stopped!

For the past 5 presidential elections, Americans have rallied to bring forth candidates and issues that are committed to the freedom principles that this great country was founded upon. For those same 20 years (5 elections) the “leadership” of the two major parties, the D’s and the R’s have rallied to disenfranchise conscientious voters, rid our nation of paper ballots and create legislation making 3rd party emergence impossible. Over this same short time period Americans have been vaccinated, chlorinated, fluoridated, intimidated, irradiated, poisoned, robbed and lied to, resulting in an apathetic stupor after the latest carefully controlled presidential (s)election was mystically completed with the help of their script reading lapdog, major media.

The Republican “leadership” has proven it could help significantly to get Obama elected simply by throwing out their own enlightened voters. It only stands to reason that these Republican “leaders” must now leave. These government manipulators from the top down can easily be replaced by Statesmen from the bottom up.

Before you lightly dismiss me, think about the events and restructuring of your personal lives and Liberties over the past 20 years and 5 elections, put down your Daily “News,” turn off your television (sheeple teleprompter) and hear me out. I personally taped both Nevada Republican Conventions. Yes, you read it right – we had two. We had the first with the “leadership” making up the party rules, state laws and federal laws as they proceeded through the day and when they realized that the convention wasn’t going their way and the place was full of knowledgeable Americans (which they venomously named “Ron Paul People”) they trashed the governing Roberts Rules of order, shut the convention down, promised notice of where and when to reconvene within a week, turned the lights off on 1,000 people and ran away. The time period of a week turned into one then two months without an announcement. The second convention was convened by the Party membership following and !

 respecting rules and law. It was entirely orderly, followed all written political protocol to a fault, but was proclaimed “renegade” by the Nevada Republican Executive Committee and the major media. The original appointed leaders of the abandoned first convention had been properly noticed by Certified Mail to resume their role in this lawful event.

After about 16 combined hours of the first “bag and tag Americans” convention and the second “do it lawfully” convention we produced and broadcasted 4 more one hour programs on Public Access television. No one challenged our video observations at any of these events.

When it comes to Freedom and Liberty, all people are different for a variety of reasons, however, knowledgeable Americans can easily agree on 80% of the major issues. It is the 20% used by manipulators and media to promote dissention, distraction and separation of good people wanting the same thing. We can’t all live in the same house, but we can all be good neighbors upheld by the same solid foundation.

I could write and cite philosophical and truthful sayings all day, but until Americans rally and make that wisdom truly warm and fuzzy, there will be no change. The bullies that have been allowed to take charge of our lives will continue until they are stopped. Remember a bully is just an egotistical, morally defunct windbag with low self-esteem.

Directly to the point; here is what we ask from you…

1. On the home page of is a fast growing list of Americans who will not accept any more abuse. At the bottom of another page is a partial list of the Nevada Republican Party Rules and Nevada Revised Statutes (Nevada Law) that the Nevada Republican Party “leadership” violated and ignored. These by-laws and statutes can be described in another way; the rights of the Voters!

The Nevada Executive Committee also extended middle finger gestures at Federal Election Laws. We want you as Americans to stand up and be counted here by adding your name and/or organization and/or web site and a donation of $20 or $0 or whatever you can afford above those amounts. An option to listing your name can be your initials or nickname followed by the word anonymous Unlike the Republican Party “leadership” there are no “levels” of recognition based on money or influence.

2. Submit an affidavit of your expenses including: travel, room and board and misc. costs incurred for State conventions, donations to the Nevada Republican Party (that they used against you) and time lost from your work and pursuit of happiness. These amounts become known as damages at the end of this action and the “leadership” at the time of the offenses will be proven liable by their actions documented on video and filed documents. Since your well meaning intentions and wealth were casualties of a fraud perpetrated intentionally by others, you should get them back, Right? That’s part of the plan!

3. If your time will allow, work to fill the vacancies on County, State and Federal Republican party committees as the negative influences are eliminated or resign. Once the ship is cleaned up and back on course, the rats will flee.

The process of this procedure is outlined in generalities at If you wish to have more detail call Dennis Grover at 775-284-1388.

A number of successful Lawyers in various American States have shown strong interest in representing the NFA in court at the conclusion of this action. Responses from the Republican “leadership” and the media will be solicited when accompanied with arguments supported by law. However character assassination, name-calling and fear tactics by the “leadership” and media will only serve to enhance validation of the existing video and documented facts.

As the intensity rises with the accusations labeling us pesky Ron Paul People, radicals and anti-government, let us first expose the true meanings of those words to be “American,” “belief in unalienable rights” and “anti-oppressive government,” and let me also say that we are honored to be identified with the truths, thoughts, and gifts from our Founding Fathers expressed in their lasting publications, The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution.

At this point, please don’t succumb to apathy, wring your hands and complain about the bad guys “winning.” Join us in this inauguration of this endeavor. It is one of several viable actions, all of which are correct.

Please forward this announcement as far and wide as possible.


Dennis Grover

Dennis Grover, American

Temporary President: Nevada Freedom Alliance

Host: “With Liberty and Justice For All”

Author: “Knowledge Equals Freedom”

ps. Growing up on a farm taught me that when you are handed a bushel of rotten apples or road apples, you can distribute them evenly on new seeds and produce a nourishing fresh garden. It is the same in politics. -- Dennis Grover, American