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Rod Remelin

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With the thousands of Icelanders demonstrating, some violently, against the recent, engineered, economic collapse and raping of their country resulting in empty grocery store shelves and unavailable credit and currency for the masses comes a stark, ominous, warning for what is ahead for Americans. The SAME carefully calculated and systematically set-up credit and interest traps that have plunged Iceland into official, national, bankruptcy have been perpetrated against the American people with the national theft of multiple

TRILLIONS being committed right in front of everyone by the SAME group of private, international financiers, the global Banking Cartel. Of course, no one is investigated, no one is ever indicted for mismanagement, fraud or any variety of criminal corruption. Follow the money and one finds an incredibly pervasive network of nefarious "secret club" "game players" who stop at nothing to preserve their clandestine world of ill-gotten luxury and scam-built, astronomical, fortunes.

  While TRILLIONS of American tax-payer dollars are being STOLEN and given away to the U.S. Banking Houses for their own private survival and gain, IN SPITE OF THE PROTESTS OF AMERICA'S CITIZENS, absolutely no "bail-outs" of any kind are being offered to help with the financial survival of the American middle-class. As the American banking fat cats get richer and richer at the expense of the American public through their interest-charging and fractional reserve banking, dishonest money, "game" at the Federal Reserve, hard-working Americans keep slipping deeper and deeper into an economic abyss of no escape, rapidly transforming a first world U.S. into a third world Amerika. This quickly spreading economic collapse was planned long ago and has been expertly orchestrated ever since the unconstitutional passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. The race to economically, politically and physically enslave America is now afoot. The ancient dream of evil is nearing realization.
  There is an appreciable probability that the recent, growing, public unrest and protests in Iceland might gradually intensify to the point of an outbreak into civil war. Their swiftly deteriorating situation should be closely watched by Americans as our turn draws inevitably closer. Perhaps lessons on how to more affectively fight might be learned.
For amazing stories and video of the Icelandic "melt-down" click on the following two links.