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HAL TURNER: UPDATE on Fed, State & Local Cops at my house right now ! (Update Nov. 25, 2008)

Hal Turner

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November 24, 2008

Something obviously happened - - - - - the cops all left!

2:10 PM Eastern Time -- Obviously, something happened because all the federal, state and local cops surrounding my house since 9:00 this morning, have left. They're gone.

Not a word was spoken to me by any of them before or during their major presence surrounding my house today.

As outlined in the two stories immediately below this one, from around 9 AM until around 2:00 PM today, over a dozen federal, state and local law enforcement vehicles and quite a number of people in them, were positioned in front of, behind and on the sides of my house.

My lawyer was able to find out from his long-time friends inside the federal courthouse that a Grand Jury had been investigating me for over a week and that a vote on an indictment was to take place today. More details about that appear in the story immediately below this one.

The only thing I can think of is that the federal Grand Jury must have refused to Indict me! Nothing else makes sense.

I and my lawyer are endeavoring to get additional information and I will provide it when I get it.

As of now, however, whatever was going on seems to have ended.

Maybe I should start calling myself "Teflon Turner?" Nothing sticks!

Nov. 24, 2008

12:15 PM Eastern Time -- As indicated in the story below this one, federal state and local cops have surrounded my house around 9:54 this morning and a heavy police presence remains to this minute.

According to my lawyer, he checked with his inside sources at the US Courthouse in Newark and found out the following:

An Assistant United States Attorney for the District of New Jersey is awaiting a vote by a federal Grand Jury on his effort to indict me for advocating the overthrow of the US Government, advocating the assassination of Congress and for publishing a plan for doing so, against which he allegedly said "the government cannot defend."

My lawyer also said the attempt to indict me arose from an OPINION piece I published on my old web site over TWO YEARS AGO on October 27, 2006; which was then covered by the Drudge Report and WorldNetDaily at the following link:

According to my lawyer, the Grand Jury is out to lunch right now and will be back after 1:00 PM eastern time to vote. He believes that if they indict me, the cops will pounce.

As of 12:18 PM today, my house is completely surrounded. There is a fed van behind my house parked behind some trees as shown below:

An unmarked car is outside my living room window on the south side of my condo building. The three guys inside the car, one with binoculars, was the dead giveaway as shown below:

Several more local police cars have arrived and gone into the parking lot of the vacant car wash across the street, bringing the total of local police vehicles to seven as well as a State of New Jersey Comman Post truck and several vans/SUV's of federal agents:

More details as they become available. . . . . .

Homeland Security and North Bergen, NJ Police in front of my house

North Bergen, NJ -- Being a pain in the ass to government sometimes begets a response; being unafraid of government sometimes begets an intent to intimidate. Such seems to be the case with me this morning.

As of 9:54 AM Eastern Time this morning, the Department of Homeland Security, the State of New Jersey and at least six North Bergen, NJ Police Dept. Vehicles have set up a "Check point" directly in front of MY HOUSE at 1906 Paterson Plank Road, North Bergen, NJ.

Dept of Homeland Security trailer below; click image to enlarge:

Sign announcing "CHECK POINT AHEAD"; click image to enlarge:

Police cars in front of my house with road coned-off AT MY DRIVEWAY! (Click image to enlarge)

How it looks from the roof of my condo building; click image to enlarge:

Look at how many local, state and federal vehicles they have here,

parked in the vacant car wash across the street from my building;

click image to enlarge:

If they have a valid Arrest Warrant, signed by a Judge, then I will cooperate knowing I enjoy Constitutional Protections. If, however, this is the beginning of some type of Homeland Security "ROUND-UP" without a warrant, I will not cooperate; and that would unleash very bad things. . . . . .