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Comments on Ian Freeman


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During my first encounter with the court system, I walked in, expecting to receive justice, but was treated much as the young man in the attached videos (see below).  I also observed other cases, in which the defendants were treated similarly.


At first, I thought that the judge was just a jerk, or having a bad day.  That still didn't justify his miscarriage of justice.


Then, over subsequent encounters with the legal/court system, I attributed their behavior to extreme arrogance, which was true

to a high degree.  In other words, they behaved that way because they could, which is the exact same phrease Clinton used to

explain why he took advantage of Monica Lewinski.


That still didn't add up to me though, and so started my quest for the reason, or reasons that gov't entities abuse the people they

are supposed to serve.  Were these people demon-possessed?  What were the driving, or motivating forces that resulted in this

abusive behavior?


Over the years, I have reached the conclusion that, as a nation, in general, we have been steered into an apostasy.  We have changed from a Christian nation into a secular-humanist, mammon worshiping, hedonistic rabble.  Every man for himself!  By abdicating and abandoning our responsibilities as Christians, and Americans, we have allowed Satan's disciples to assume control.  Evil walks the earth.


Moreover, I have researched the trail back to those who would desire to control the world, and to the methods they have used to acheive their goals.  Namely, to exploit every aspect of human weaknesses available.


So the answer to my question about why judges, and other gov't. entities behave the way they do, without regard for justice, or the peoples' well-being, proved to be, that they behave in such manner, because it is all part of the master plan of control and domination of the sheeple.


That's the worst mistake they ever made with me, because now, I can see 'em, and I can recognize 'em for what they are.


I have always maintained that I know what to do with my friends, and I know what to do with my enemies.  It's the 60% of you in-between that scare the hell out of me. 


Ian Freeman arrested and jailed for 93 days RAW FOOTAGE
NH: Govt. releases Ian Freeman 3 days into 90 day sentence
NH: Explosion of "Free Ian" art marks Backlash Day 2
NH: Court threatens "non-standers" 3/3