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Could Bush Actually Pardon Himself? We Need To Talk About This

The Pen

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Congress Must Debate The Implications Of A Bush Self-Pardon

Many people have been asking us, "Could Bush actually pardon  himself?". Would it be despicable? Sure it would. Would it be  shameless and cowardly? Yes, that and that too. But all those

adjectives fit Bush like O.J.'s glove before it shrunk from being  soaked completely in blood. Which means he is absolutely is planning  on doing it.

And only impeachment could stop it. We need to talk about this. We  need Congress to talk about this. And Congress is in session this  week, so we need you to speak out this week while there is still  time.

Impeach Now Action Page:

Tens of thousands of you submitted the action page on this last week.  Do it again. Please speak out again while we still can. There is  already a drum beat in the right wing media calling on Bush to pardon  his whole administration. Only our voices can raise the price of such  action so that there would be real consequences.

We have not given up, and will never give up hope on justice. We will  be taking delivery of another huge shipment of the "Impeach Both!!!"  caps that are still so popular. But this might be the last batch. So  if you want to demonstrate your support for impeachment, please  request yours now from the return page of the action page submission.

Impeach Now Action Page:

Will Congress now act? That is not the yardstick of the worth of our  activism. We speak out because we must speak out, whether we are  heeded or not. Let history record that we spoke out until the last

minute to the eternal shame of those who did not. Because when enough  of us speak out at once, the worst thing that can possibly happen is  that we are building the progressive base for the REAL change of the  future.

So Bush most certainly is planning on pardoning himself. And all the  right wing lock down ideologues in the corporate controlled media  will call it "healing". Let's all make nice with war criminals? Shall  we all make nice with the gang rape of our economy, our environment  and our Constitution? We think not.

And one more thing. You know that come January 20th the right wing  will start calling for the impeachment of our new president, over a  endless litany of the most ridiculous of trivial trifles. In fact it

has already started even though he has not even taken office. If they  are so hot on impeaching someone, let them speak out now, when it  truly is called for, or shut the hell up in 65 days.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed  to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.

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