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Freedom Fighter Radio Host, WeAreChange Georgia Member Arrested For Display of Upside Down Flag

Debbie Morgan - Staff Writer

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For Immediate Release

November 5, 2008 (Columbia County, GA) - Freedom Fighter Radio Host and WeAreChange Georgia member, Jim Stach, was stopped and arrested on the evening of November 4, 2008 as he was driving by a polling place in Columbia County, GA. Stach had gone to vote in his own precinct wearing a Fire Congress t-shirt, carrying an upside down flag and wearing an empty gun holster, in a silent form of protest. He was told he could not wear the shirt into the polling place, as it violated campaigning laws. Stach returned wearing a different shirt and was allowed to vote.

Stach, whose radio show deals with American freedoms and liberties and dispensing information that is not covered by the mainstream news networks, is very knowledgeable about the Constitution and carries an upside down flag because he feels our country is in distress. He sees this as peaceful and gives people the opportunity to approach him and ask questions without him disturbing them.

As the silent protest went well and he was allowed to vote at his precinct, Stach went driving around to other areas. A lady who was offended that he would be flying his flag Union down approached him, and he had the opportunity to engage in a peaceful conversation about his thoughts on the direction of the country. As Stach left the area, he was pulled over and was questioned about the incident. Up to approximately 6 police cars came to the scene and 12 officers, after Stach was stopped. Stach was cooperative as they questioned him and they took the opportunity to search his car. Upon speaking with the accusing lady, Stach was arrested for causing a disturbance.

Stach has been released and his court date is December 10, 2008. Anyone who feels they can be of help in the matter or is interested in speaking with him is encouraged to call 706-394-8019.