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I Like Your Way of Thinkin'


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I'm just guessin' from what I've seen happen in this country in the past. These gov. police will not come onto us one by one. They will come on to us in large forces. They will have new technology to wield against us. Technology that makes the gun virtually obsolete. They now have invisibility, and guns that shoot around corners. They have explosives, ray guns and micorwave machines, satellite blue ray ionesphere weapons to target anyone anywhere without them knowing it. Even if we got their weapons, would we know how to use them?

Unless we are in massive amounts of people, they will take the solitary Patriot out with bombs equal to bunker busters but not so expensive. They are aware of our time and how we spend it. Most of these Patriots have been under surveillance for a long time. The usual M.O. is to wait till the target is alone away from his armory. Then one man walks up to him, gets really close, and disarms him in a flash, and take him down.

Stop and think, the majority of us are in our 60's with all the aches and pains that go along with that stage of life. The sunset years. Some have no combat experience to speak of. Some like Jake and Visionary are close to their 80's now. Not too good at running foot races. Maybe good for back up or supplies, or passing the news, or encouragement...... but that's all.

Even recruiting vets from Iraq would entail reprogramming them to understand who the real enemy is.

I'm not throwing a monkey wrench onto the table here, just trying to get across what we have to be fighting against. It's best to know your enemy.

Seems to me the invisibility aspect is a prize in modern warfare. That or the 'hit and run' tactics. But to get in close, you will need a disquise.

If you think they are going to stand still while we blast away, you have a surprise coming. Without accurate knowledge of your enemy, you may never get off a shot. Fighting the pawns will not win the game. You have to go after the people behind the curtain.

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