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Inside Job

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David Dees' political satire illustrations set to the tune of Don Henley's "Inside Job".


While you were sleeping

They came and took it all away

The lanes and the meadows

The places where you used to play

It was an inside job

By the well-connected

Your little protest

Summarily rejected

It was an inside job

Like it always is

Chalk it up to business as usual

While we are dreaming

This little island disappears

While you are looking the other way

Theyll take your right to own your own ideas

And its an inside job

Favors collected

Your trusted servants

Have left you unprotected

It was an inside job

Like it always is

Just chalk it up

To business as usual

You think that youre so smart

But you dont have a single clue

What those men up in the towers

Are doing to me and you

And theyll keep doin it and doin it

And doin it and doin it

And doin it and doin it

And doin it and doin it

Until we all wake up

Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up

I know what Ive done wrong

I am acquainted with the night

I know how hard it is

To always walk out in the light

And its an inside job

To learn about forgiving

Its an inside job

To hang on to the joy of living

They know the road by which you came

They know your mothers maiden name

And what you had for breakfast

And what youve hidden in the mattress

Insect politics

Indifferent universe

Bang your head against the wall

But apathy is worse

Its an inside job

Its an inside job

Its an inside job

Yeh, yeah

Its an inside job

Its an inside job

Its an inside job

Its an inside job

Its an inside job

Its an inside job