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Date: Wednesday, November 5, 2008, 8:29 AM

From: Restore the Republic! <>

After watching the pageantry of yesterday's final campaign performances, I realize that the majority of Americans will not help us restore this country.


As I watch the sun rise this morning I am encouraged that we are in the company of heroes! The fathers of our country were few in number but risked all to forge a free society for their children.


We are also few, but we are strong... and the movement is growing!  It is now our turn and obligation to risk all for the well-being of our posterity and this grand restoration. We must band together and expose the FED and the greatest theft in recorded history. We need your help to get this message out. Everyone in America can now see that the "bailout" was a disaster. They are more open than ever to ours and Congressman Paul's message. 

[Note: The Federal Reserve privately owned banking program and IRS will be dissolved as soon as the National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA) is in effect and The People CALL for its implementation.  Actually, it is already in effect I am told by credible Sources-  We "are within NESARA Banking Law since October 1 or 2, 2008"...and "Bailout Money" has not been paid...Most Bank Accounts of criminal crime gang "Busche/Clintons/Paulson/Greenspan/etc. & Co". have been frozen, unaccessable.  Do not be fooled by the orchestrated stage show, including clones.  It is an act for the Public for mind control purposes as much as ever because of owned and controlled darkstream media by OWO (Old World Order / OWParadigm Folks)...Editor]


Issue #10 of Republic titled "Grand Theft America" exposes the crooks behind this heist. The issue ships directly from our printer on Nov.17th. In order not to miss having your copies in hand for the "End the Fed Action" happening Nov.22nd, we need your pre-order as soon as possible. Make sure you reserve your copies now by visiting:


You can also call in your order to Angie at 866-437-6570 It's time to take the offensive and put an end to this bailout and the FED once and for all!


Yours in Restoration,

George Shepherd

Publisher, Republic Magazine


P.S. I hope you enjoy the cover, it really is an eye grabber!


P.P.S. If you need to use a check or money order, you can mail it to us at: PO Box 9, Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 (Please include $10.50 for priority shipping)

Republic Magazine, the official magazine of Restore the Republic!, 3149 Dundee Rd #176, Northbrook, Illinois 60062, USA