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Obama Nemesis Petitions Chairman And Publisher To Release Tape Of Obama At Anti-Jewish Dinner

"He (Obama) congratulates Khalidi for his work saying 'Israel has no God-given right to occupy Palestine' plus there's been 'genocide against the Palestinian people by Israelis.'" - Doug Ross Blog

CALL TO ACTION:  Time is short.  Make your voice heard. Call Los Angeles Times Publisher Eddy Hartenstein and Tribune Company Chairman Sam Zell at the numbers posted below.  Join Floyd and demand that they release the Obama Tape .

The election is hours away and the American people have a right to know what is contained on the Obama Tape before the election. The issue of what is contained on the Obama Tape can only be resolved by releasing the tape, or a transcript of the tape.

Eddy Hartenstein

Publisher, Los Angeles Times

(213) 237-5000

Samuel Zell

Chairman, Tribune Company

(312) 222-9100

From the man who brought us the Willie Horton ad in 1988 comes a stern demand to Los Angeles Times Publisher Eddy Hartenstein and Tribune Company Chairman Sam Zell for a tape of Barack Obama at a dinner honoring Rashid Khalidi, considered by many to be virulently anti-semitic.

National Campaign Fund president and independent ad producer, Floyd Brown, has petitioned the Los Angeles Times with letters and demands that transcripts of whatʼs on the tape be released immediately.  The Times claims it promised its source not to reveal the tape.  Brown maintains this is no grounds for withholding a transcript, at the very least.

The reason the tape is considered so important is because of what it might reveal.  According to a very reputable blogsite, the tape would be extremely damning to Obama if it were released.  The Doug Ross blog has posted quotes allegedly found on the tape.  The source said to verify these quotes has proven very credible.  Here is an excerpt from the blogsite. "He (Obama) congratulates Khalidi for his work saying 'Israel has no God-given right to occupy Palestine' plus there's been 'genocide against the Palestinian people by Israelis.'"

Here is a link to the entire story as found on the Doug Ross blog:

Use this hyperlink for a copy of the letter Floyd Brown sent to Sam Zell.

Use the hyperlink for a copy of the letter Floyd Brown sent to Eddy Hartenstein.

Join the Fight

Floyd Brown

P.S. Help us expose Barack Hussein Obama by sending this e-mail to at least 10 of your friends

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