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Congress will never let Term Limits happen! So...


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   080903    AMERICANS ARE STUPID!  (video)

080903    AMERICANS ARE STUPID! (text)

I’m coming around to the idea that the bulk of the American people are basically stupid, stupid, stupid! Why?

How else can we explain how Congress, which has a 9% approval rating, gets reelected about 95% of the time? Do we ever “throw the bums out”?

Listen to these stats:Senate: As of 2008, of 100 Senators, 39 (39%) reelected for 18 yrs or more, 4 over 40 years!

House: As of 2008, of 435 members, 143 (33%) reelected for 14 yrs or more, 5 over 36 years!

And the longer these guys are in office, the more of them will run unopposed in future elections, since nobody will bother to challenge them. Unopposed races have doubled in the last 20 years, from 40 to 80 seats.

And who is responsible for this sad state of affairs? YOU!!! Not your dumb neighbor. Not the media. Not the crooked political system. Just YOU, the typical stupid American! The guy who complains how those crooked politicians are ripping off the country and sending us all down the tubes, and then reelects them!

YOU don’t seem to realize that YOU, and only YOU, have the power to clean up the whole system by simply NEVER REELECTing any Congressman or Senator. The good guys, the bad guys, all of them! NEVER REELECT them!

The beauty of this NEVER REELECT policy is that nobody can stop you from voting the bums out! They can stop you from voting for term limits, but they can’t stop you from imposing term limits by a NEVER REELECT policy.

I hope this short video will get you up off your dumb ass to prove that you aren’t one of those stupid Americans.

Always vote, but NEVER REELECT! If we do this for 2 or 3 elections in a row, I promise you, we will suddenly see a truly new and effective Congress.


I’m Nelson Lee Walker of



Some years ago it became apparent to me that politics stinks, and that the stinkiest part of politics is the US Congress. Judging from the fact that voter participation in all our elections runs from 40 to 50%, apparently a great many voters agree, and simply don’t vote

So I made myself a commitment to start a campaign to “Tro Da Bums Out!” (All of them)

First, I looked at Term Limits. Since 75% of Americans want term limits for Congress, I thought it would be easy. But... we need to get a bill for term limits thru Congress FIRST, which ain’t never gonna happen!

Then I looked at Article V of the Constitution, which says that “the people” could have a “convention for proposing amendments”. But this was already tried by Bill Walker of, and bounced by the Supreme Court in 2004, erroneously (imho), and should be attempted again. But we should wait for a more ‘originalist’ court.

Finally, after listening to many website discussions on this topic, I have come to realize that there is one unstoppable, foolproof method of achieving the goal of reforming Congress. Simply put, we voters must never reelect anyone in Congress.

If enough voters stick to this simple principle thru several election cycles, reelections in Congress would plummet. This would have a major impact on the behavior of all incumbents remaining in Congress. Furthermore, the many freshmen elected in such a changed election climate would have no doubt that they will be serving very brief terms unless they vote as responsible legislators instead of party hacks. And they would be much more likely to vote for a term limits amendment bill just to serve more than one term.

The big question is: How do we get Americans to stop reelecting their lousy Congress? We don’t have to succeed 100%. Just enough to drop House reelections from its current 98% down to about 65%. That’ll get their attention!

And if we keep it up thru 2010, 2012, and 2014, we will make a big difference.

When the media talks about the new trend, many, many people who haven’t been voting will start voting again because they’ll see they can make a difference.

A second question will be: Who should I vote for if I don’t want to reelect my incumbent? Suggestions for both Democrats or Republicans:

1. If your guy was opposed in your primary, and lost, vote for the guy who beat him.

2. If he was opposed in the primary, and won, vote for the other major party guy.

3. If the other major party guy also won an unopposed primary, then vote for any 3rd party.

What we want is a 100% turnover in Congress, on BOTH sides of the aisle

Remember the objective here is to defeat all incumbents of both major parties, so the simplest decision is to vote for any 3rd party candidate. Or, when in doubt, vote ‘em out!

Nelson Lee Walker of, Saratoga, CA