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Possible Vote Today on the Big Bailout

Perry Willis

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"These two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing

any kind of financial crisis. The more people exaggerate these

problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we

will see in terms of affordable housing.''

-- Representative Barney Frank, 2003


HT: Radley Balko at Reason


Subject: Possible vote today on the Big Bailout

A deal has been struck. Whether House Republicans will vote for this

latest (final?) version of the Big Bailout remains in doubt, but

chances are that they will. Nevertheless, it's up to us to fight to

the end, and to give our elected representatives cause for doubt,

nervousness, and perhaps fear.

Congress rushed to strike this deal, setting this morning's opening

of the markets as their artificial deadline. It doesn't seem to have

done much good. As of this writing the markets are down. Why aren't

the market's happy? Aren't the politicians giving investors what they

wanted? Apparently not.

Most importantly, the credit markets are getting worse this morning,

in spite of the announcement of a plan to "rescue" them.

This entire thing smells fishy.

We suggest that you send another message this morning using our "cut

spending" campaign. Use your personal comments to once again oppose

the Big Bailout, and ask your representatives why, if their plan is

really so good and so necessary, credit markets are getting worse

this morning? You can send your message here.


Thank you for being a part of the growing Downsize DC army.

Perry Willis

Communications Director, Inc.