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Obama Blows Up Bailout: Americans Say "NO" !

Steve Elliott

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From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance


Yesterday, Barack Obama blew up the bailout meeting at the White House, causing members of Congress to leave in a shouting match without a deal in what amounted to a political ambush of John McCain and Republicans.

Of course, Democrats are blaming everything on McCain and House Republicans, but the truth is Obama ruined the meeting. Go here for more:

Now, the truth is coming out about the Bogus Bailout. More than 100 economists signed a letter to Congress opposing the Bogus Bailout. And new reports indicate that Democrats are trying to add tens of billions  in pork for pet liberal projects to the bailout.

+ + Americans opposing Bogus Bailout 10-to-1

The good news is Americans are starting to take a stand.

Rush Limbaugh is reporting that phone calls to Capitol Hill are running 10-to-1 AGAINST the Bogus Bailout.

 I'm asking you to take a stand as well.

    Please schedule your faxes today opposing the Bogus

    Bailout and call your members of Congress:

    Go here to send your faxes and for more information:

Because there is such a rush in Congress to pass the Bogus Bailout, I have instructed my staff to keep your faxes going throughout the weekend. So please take a moment now to schedule your faxes. (Of course, if you prefer to send your own faxes, we have provided all the contact information and sample text.)

+ + Call Congress and the President

We need to keep the flood of calls coming as well. Tell Congress and the President you oppose the Paulson Bogus Bailout -- which

is nothing more than a massive government takeover of a huge segment of our economy. Demand real solutions that don't undermine our free-market economy.

The White House:  202-456-1414

(Call your State Senator and Representatives)

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid:  202-224-3542

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnnell   202-224-2541

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi:  202-225-4965

House Minority Leader John Boehner:  202-225-6205

Also call...

Sen. John McCain:  202-224-2235

Sen. Barack Obama: 202-224-2854

Please... take action with me


P.S. We do need action from Congress on the economic situation, but we cannot accept a Bogus Bailout that turns more control of our lives over to the government and is nothing more than socialism! There are free-market solutions. I have highlighted these solutions here:

+   +  +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +  +  +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +

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+ + + + + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c) 4 issues advocacy organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not tax deductible.