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Bailout to Congressional Reps

Don Hynes

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From: Don Hynes
Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2008 6:40 PM
Subject: Email re bailout to congressional reps

I am totally opposed to the Bush Administration plans for bailing out the banking and equity market industries. Does anyone in America need further proof of GW Bush’s moronic and despicably inept leadership than his record over the last eight years to discount any plausibility in what he may think a forward strategy for our economy?


This bail out is a monstrous tax upon the American people and should not be passed without a national referendum.


Email your congressional representatives and demand that they oppose this measure until the people who make up your constituency are fully informed and consulted. You need only Google your congressional and senatorial representative names and their website will have a “contact me” option for you to inform them of your position.


It is no small matter that the man who is prime mover for the bailout, Henry Paulson, was a chief architect at Goldman Sachs for the very failed system he now wants the taxpayers to save.



Don Hynes

Vantage Point