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Man Arrested Under New Saggy Pants Law

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A Riviera Beach man’s fashion faux pas landed him in jail Tuesday, proving that police can and will be enforcing a new city law.

Kenneth Smith, 29, was arrested after police said he was obstructing traffic and wearing saggy pants.In March, Riviera Beach passed an ordinance outlawing saggy pants. He’s just the fourth person to be arrested under Riviera Beach’s new ordinance prohibiting people from wearing their pants so low that their underwear is exposed.His mother, Dorah March, captured the incident on video. She accused police of harassing her son, saying his pants weren’t sagging and that he was in front of his own driveway.While some might think the law is silly, Riviera Beach police say otherwise.“We are going to be enforcing this ordinance,” Lt. Alex Freeman said. “Some may think it’s silly, but no, we don’t think that it’s silly.”Despite the new crackdown, March insists her son is innocent and said the video proves it.“They got the story twisted about the saggy pants because Kenny had on a belt,” she said.