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Testify or Impeach

Steve Fox

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From: American Freedom Campaign


Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2008 6:10 PM

Subject: Testify or Impeach

Dear Flo,

In 50 days, congressional oversight may be dead. The Constitution that has served our nation so well since 1789 may be hopelessly and forever diminished. Our federal government and, in turn, our nation may never be the same.

Those are the stakes.

In order for our government to function, we must have checks and balances. In order to prevent a president from assuming king-like powers and to ensure that all presidents are held accountable for their actions, Congress must have effective congressional oversight ability. And, of course, our presidents must respect that power.

George W. Bush does not.

It is time to put an end to this defiling of our Constitution. The U.S. House of Representatives has set September 26 as a target date for adjournment. By that time, Karl Rove, Harriet Miers, and Josh Bolten must comply with the congressional subpoenas they have been issued - and which a federal judge has ordered them to follow.

If they do not, then George W. Bush must be impeached and removed from office.

If he is not removed from office, Congress will have established a standard under which a president may deny Congress's investigative power without penalty. That simply cannot happen.

So today we are launching our "Testify or Impeach" campaign. We are hoping that tens of thousands of Americans will join our call. We will also be asking other organizations to work with us in order to make this campaign as strong as possible.

But, first, we need you to send a "Testify or Impeach" message to the White House so they start to understand that Americans actually care about our Constitution. Please take a moment to send a message by clicking on the following link:

After you have sent your message, please forward this E-mail to your friends and family or use the "Tell-A-Friend" function on our Web site, which automatically appears after your message is sent.

I appreciate you joining this campaign and will be sure to keep you updated about the progress of this effort over the coming weeks.



Steve Fox

Campaign Director

American Freedom Campaign Action Fund