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'Hello, Central!' A Chamber of Cowards and Traitors

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Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2008 12:56 AM
Subject: Hello Central: A Chamber of Cowards and Traitors

Thank you George Karavelis for being a VOICE the people need to hear.  Now it's time for "WE THE PEOPLE" to rise up and take back our country.  We must start by letting all the Senators and Representatives know that WE THE PEOPLE will no longer listen to their LIES so they can continue with their own agendas.  It's time for them to be ACCOUNTABLE to "We the People" and do it with INTEGRITY.
Since every branch of what used to be our government has incorporated they are corporations just as any other business corporation.  Therefore the laws that apply to corporations, applies to them.  They no longer have the right to make laws for us or enforce them.  And, they can be removed from office just as any other business person in a corporation can be fired. 
We could install Dennis Kucinich as President and Ron Paul as Vice President of the united states of America.  We can get our country back on the ORIGINAL Constitution and let Treasury Banking take over.  This would eliminate the Federal Reserve and the IRS and start the "good life". 
Are you American enough to take back your country?  Are you willing to do what has to be done to make everything RIGHT?  Then DO IT!