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The Obama Drone

Anton Miller

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Anton Miller" <>
To: "bellringer" <>
Sent: Saturday, July 26, 2008 1:39 PM
Subject: The Obama Drone
What gives the genetically altered package of parasitic bacterium, using  the costume named Barack Obama, the right to travel the world making  deals behind our backs with other countries, as if this puppet is  already the "new President of the Washington District of Criminals"?  Is  it because he can?  I think not.  I think it is because his "handler can", the hidden controller of the clone as pointed out earlier this  week on the front page at Fourwinds10.  I think this behavior shows how  despicable the political spam-scam of lies, deceit, and smoke and  mirrors has become.  I petition that enough real people wake up and take  action to bring and end to the political misery of this Lie.  Of course,  the bolshevik Zionist controller of the Obama Drone,  Zbigniew Brezinski, I believe,  is arrogantly hopeful, along with his controller  cronies,  that the Truth of these matters will never be discovered!Will we stand up, unite, put and end to this charade,  and kick these  less than human ones out of place as recently suggested by Casper?  Will  enough wake up to the task at hand before it is too late?  This remains  to be seen.

In Love and Light,

Anton Miller