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Tell Barrick Gold Corporation To Stop Mining On Sacrted Grounds

Tim Fullerton, Oxfam America

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ese incursions and the UN stated last year that no companies should mine these Native American tribal lands without the Shoshone's permission, Barrick has continued its operations.

Go to: or click on "Visit Author's Website"to tell Barrick to stop mining on sacred grounds.

The Western Shoshone people have invited Barrick officials to discuss the matter, but the company has refused. Even worse, Barrick has continued its activities, bringing in drilling rigs and erecting a locked fence preventing access to certain areas.

We want Barrick to know that the Western Shoshone peoples have strong support among concerned citizens around the world. Please sign the petition to show your support and to tell Barrick to stop drilling without Shoshone consent. Send this message to your friends to help us make a strong statement for justice.

On May 2, Western Shoshone representatives will attend Barrick’s annual stockholder meeting in Toronto to restate their opposition to the mine and call on Barrick to make a good faith effort to resolve the issue. To strengthen their case, we are asking you to sign our petition calling on Barrick to stop mining without Shoshone consent.

Thank you for your support,

Tim Fullerton

Oxfam America

For more information on the Western Shoshone, go here: