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21st State Rejects the Real ID Act

Jim Babka

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"This Bill fundamentally adjusts the relationship between the citizen and the state. How could it be otherwise when it will put the state in possession of an unprecedented, consolidated file of information about every individual which it did not have before?"

-- Lord Holme of Cheltenham

Subject: 21st state rejects the REAL ID Act

The number of states that have rejected the REAL ID Act now stands at 21. The latest to do so is Louisiana. On July 8th Governor Bobby Jindal signed into law HB 715.

It's strong legislation. It directs the state Department of Public Safety and Corrections to NOT implement the REAL ID Act.

It's been a while since we've asked Congress to repeal the REAL ID Act. We've been focused on other things. Now is the time to hit them again. Let Congress know that you won't forget about this issue. Tell them you're aware that Louisiana just became the 21st state to rebel against the REAL ID Act. Tell Congress it's long past time to bow to the will of the people, who do not want a centralized national identification system. You can send your message here.

We have many new members. If you don't know what the REAL ID Act is all about, we have introductory information on our Real ID campaign page where you can also send your message to Congress.

In other news, since the last report we've $882 worth of progress on our fundraising drive. This leaves $2,461 still to go. If you can help please contribute. Monthly pledges are especially helpful. You can contribute here.

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Thank you for being a part of the growing Downsize DC army,

Jim Babka

President, Inc.

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