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VFP meeting with Chairman of Judiciary Committee, Rep. Conyers is CANCELLED

The meeting was partly the victim of our success. Now that the House Judiciary Committee Hearing will be discussing what options Congress can take to restore the balance of power, including the possibility of IMPEACHMENT, it has become high profile and will crowd out the time of our meeting.

Because of this, the rest of our Campaign has taken on greater significance. Impeachment is now being considered on the Hill. If you don't want them to form some investigate committee to report back in 2 years, NOW IS THE TIME. Get everyone you can to call their Representative and call the Judiciary Committee members and demand impeachment. These are a critical few days.

July 24th will be VFP's Impeachment Lobbying Day, in Wash, DC but why not at district offices?

July 25th Wash, DC, 10AM - VFP attends Judiciary Committee Hearing, which will now probably overflow to at least one other room.

Remember two  months ago we could not even get a meeting to just hand the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee 10,000 impeachment petitions. Then VFP members from Wisconsin gave us their 12,000 petitions to deliver, too. We had to brazenly say, "we are going to the office and sitting there he accepts them or we are taken away in handcuffs" (It was bit brazen because I only know of two of us who were ready to get arrested). Now the Chairman is scheduling meeting with us, Kucinich asked us for a meeting with us, and most of all impeachment is on the table. But it is only being discussed. The nation and democracy needs impeachment now! We have this brief window of opportunity to make happen what they 2 months ago they said was impossible.

JOIN THE ACTIONS: FOR JUST NEXT 6 CRITICAL DAYS CALL YOUR CONGRESSMAN AND DEMAND IMPEACHMENT. If they are for impeachment have them push the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, Rep Conyers, to act now. We need as many calls, emails and letters as possible before July 25th. GET YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS TO CALL.

If you are able come to Washington, DC, July 24th will be an impeachment lobbying day; we will personally visit Congressmen demanding impeachment. On July 25th we will attend a Judiciary Committee Hearing.

CALL 202-224-3121 for the house switchboard and LEAVE A MESSAGE FOR YOUR OWN CONGRESSMAN TO IMPEACH. Find your Congressman by ZIP Code

Call a member of the Judiciary Committee (202-225-3951) demand impeachment now. (List of Judiciary Committee members) Maybe your Congressman is on the Judiciary Committee call him again.

Elliott DS Adams

President, Veterans For Peace


Veterans For Peace, 216 S. Meramec, St. Louis, MO 63105, 314-725-6005


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