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A Call To Action for Impeachment

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An intense 7-day VFP campaign of calls to congress for impeachment. Get everyone you know to call Congress before July 25 demanding for impeachment now

Lobbying Day for Impeachment - July 24th Wash, DC

VFP attends Judiciary Committee Hearing - 10AM July 25th Wash, DC

VFP meets with Chairman of Judiciary Committee, Rep. Conyers - 12 Noon July 25th Wash, DC

Dear VFP Members

Believe it or not, we finally had to threaten a sit-in.

After more than two months of trying to schedule a brief meeting with Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) to deliver VFP's 23,000 impeachment signatures, we politely informed the Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, in writing, that we would drop by his Washington office with them.  And we would sit there until he met with us or hauled us off in handcuffs.

On June 10 VFP issued a news release explaining our intention to call on Conyers the following day.  Coincidentally (!) the morning of the 11th, his scheduler called asking, "I hear you're in town today, would you like to meet with the Congressman?"


In the 1930's, who in Germany could correctly fix the day when fascism actually arrived?

Today in the U.S., who knows for sure how close we've come to it?

The human race learns slowly, but we do learn.  For example, as VFP members we've learned that war is not the answer.  And in these perilous times more of our fellow citizens are learning that the "Good German" excuse just doesn't get it.

We know what our government is doing abroad.  We know that our republic here at home has been beaten nearly unto death.  We know we are the responsible parties who must set things right here at home - for our children, for the world.

One important way to begin absolving our complicity and discharging our responsibilities is to hold our malfeasant misleaders in Washington accountable through the way the Constitution provides - impeachment.

When we met with Congressman Conyers on June 11 (link to video 2 minute of that meeting) he said he had not yet read the 35 Articles of Impeachment Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) had introduced two days previously, but that he would do so and report back at a meeting in early July.  A second meeting was held, with even more VFP members attending, on July 9th (link to 9 minute video of that meeting,and link to 45 minute video) at which Conyers said he was still trying to make up his mind whether to call impeachment hearings in his committee. He said he needs more support in Congress! Yet another meeting is scheduled with VFP for July 25th.

The platoon of VFP members who attended the meeting say if he says he needs more support in Congress - we will give it to him.  Then there will be no more excuses. We need your help to create this impeachment buzz on the Hill.

The Army used to tell us that it took 21 soldiers to keep each one of us grunts fighting in the field - providing us with our life support, from ammunition, to fire support, to medevac.  Today a platoon of us is working in Wash, DC on impeachment; we can do it together but we need your support - raise your voice until Congress hears you.


Let us know if you took action! 

Respond to this email at and let us know how your phone call went!

FOR JUST NEXT 7 CRITICAL DAYS CALL YOUR CONGRESSMAN AND DEMAND IMPEACHMENT.  If they are for impeachment have them push the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, Rep Conyers, to act now.  We need as many calls, emails and letters as possible before July 25th.  GET YOUR FRIENDS AND NEGHBORS TO CALL.

If you are able come to Washington, DC, July 24th will be an impeachment lobbying day where we will personally visit Congressmen demanding impeachment. On July 25th we will attend a Judiciary Committee Hearing, and then meet with Rep. Conyers.

CALL 202-224-3121 for the house switchboard and LEAVE A MESSAGE FOR YOUR OWN CONGRESSMAN TO IMPEACH. Find your Congressman by ZIP Code

Call a member of the Judiciary Committee (202-225-3951) demand impeachment now.   (List of Judiciary Committee members)   Maybe your Congressman is on the Judiciary Committee call him again.

For our 4,118 KIAS, and the more than one million Iraqis killed by the Administration's lying & murderous policies, GET UP, & CALL CONGRESS!

Elliott Adams


PS:  Here is a link to a memo I got from David Swanson, one of the most knowledgeable leaders of the impeachment movement, explaining what Congress members could do if they are seriously interested in preserving the rule of law and what is left of our republic.


Veterans For Peace, 216 S. Meramec, St. Louis, MO 63105, 314-725-6005


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