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As Congress 'Where Do You Stand on Free Speech?"

Douglas C. Mills

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Douglas C. Mills

Executive Vice President

Media Research Center

I need your help right now to forever end the oppressive threat of the "Fairness Doctrine" before the Congressional recess in August!

Just weeks ago, I shared with you Speaker Pelosi’s outrageous comments and desire to censor free speech by reviving the "Fairness Doctrine." Such a move would silence the conservativeviewpoint in our nation--unless grassroots citizens like you take action.

         Because of our MRC Action Team, we delivered

         over 100,000 petitions to key leaders in Congress--

         including Nancy Pelosi.

These are concerned Americans defending our free speech rights, but it's just the beginning!

       There's also a move underway in Congress to end the

       oppressive threat of the "Fairness Doctrine" through the

       Broadcaster Freedom Act.

       But as I write this update, the bill is stuck in committee--

       needing only a few more signatures to bring it to the

       House floor for a full vote.

This vote is critical because every member of Congress would be put on record as to where he/she stands on Free Speech in our nation!

++ A Personal Message to Congress

 With only days remaining to impact this issue and bring it to the House floor, I'm asking you to send a personal message to key members of Congress--urging them to sign the discharge petition for the Broadcaster Freedom Act that would force an up-or-down vote before the August recess.

Remember that after the August recess, Congress will be wrapped up in re-election campaigns, and little if any new business will be discussed or decided. That’s why our action now is so vital!

Click here to take action with me:

As citizens we have a right to know where our members of Congress stand on Free Speech Rights in our nation, but it will take a massive grassroots effort to make that happen!

Help personally impact key members of Congress including Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, and others who are holding this bill up--refusing to move it to the floor.

Your personal faxes right now may be just the dynamite needed to ultimately end the oppressive threat of the "Fairness Doctrine."

Click here to schedule your faxes:

As Americans, it is our duty to defend our freedom.  Ending the threat of the "Fairness Doctrine" once and for all is good and necessary, and I'm encouraging every member of our MRC Action Team to schedule their personalized faxes right now.

Help the MRC preserve and protect free speech in America by taking action right now:

Thanks in advance for standing with the MRC.

Douglas C. Mills

Executive Vice President

Media Research Center

P.S. This is our opportunity to demonstrate to Congress that we will not stand passively by as our free speech rights are threatened. Take action with the MRC right now, by clicking below:

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