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Obama's Response

Perry Willis

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Quote of the Day:

"The government already has "the authority to collect the intelligence it needs to protect the American people." That authority is called FISA, which already allows the Government extremely broad authority to spy on any suspected terrorists. The current law results in virtually no denials of any spying requests. So how can Obama -- echoing the Bush administration -- claim a new law is needed to provide "the authority to collect the intelligence we need to protect the American people" when the current FISA law already provides that?"

-- Glenn Greenwald

Subject: Obama's response

Will Senators Feingold and Dodd really filibuster the "FISA Amendments Act?" What will Senator Obama do? We're about to find out.

Senator Obama has been hammered, not just by us, but also by his own supporters. He has had to issue a response to his critics. Those of you who sent him a message probably received this response. It was very disappointing. It could have been written by any hack politician. Much of it could have been written by a neo-conservative.

But Senator Obama's response isn't necessarily the end of the story. The revolt among his supporters continues. His justifications and excuses for supporting the "FISA Amendments Act" are being picked apart on the web. Senator Obama may yet be forced to oppose the "FISA Amendments Act."

Meanwhile, what Senators Feingold and Dodd do will depend on whether they have enough votes in the Senate to sustain a filibuster. This question will likely be decided this week, so you're running out of time to persuade your Senators to support a filibuster and to oppose the "FISA Amendments Act." Please send another message now, using our old campaign against the "Protect America Act."

It doesn't matter how many messages you may already have sent on this issue, it's important to remind your Senators that this issue is still of grave concern to you.

If you have one or more Democratic Senator, call them too after you've sent your message.

It remains to be seen whether we can win this fight, but it's important to continue to register your dissent, right up until the vote is held. We must make Congress nervous about what they're doing, and pave the way for what happens next.

Our coalition is already making plans for what to do if we lose the vote. Remember what has happened with the REAL ID Act -- issues aren't settled just because Congress votes. We decide when an issue is settled, NOT Congress.

We live in a new era. The revolt among Senator Obama's supporters is a sign of the change. The Internet has empowered citizens to be informed, and to fight for their rights. The politicians no longer have it all their own way. This phenomenon will only grow as organizations like grow.

Make the politicians nervous, send another message now.

Please also consider making a contribution to help us grow. You can do so here.

Thank your for being a part of the growing Downsize DC Army.

Perry Willis

Communications Director, Inc.

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