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The Spirit of '76

Jim Babka

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Quotes of the Day:

"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."

- concluding sentence of the Declaration of Independence, 1776

"We must hang together, gentlemen...else, we shall most assuredly hang separately."

- Benjamin Franklin, at the signing of the Declaration of Independence

Subject: The Spirit of '76

For weeks now we've been fighting, as hard as anyone, to stop the "FISA Amendments Act."

If this fight is lost, it will be because some folks forgot a unique and important thing about American history. On July 4, 1776, 56 men stood up and agreed to pay the price for our liberty.

They had spirit.

The politicians who walk the halls of Capitol Hill are home in their districts now. They'll ride in parades and give speeches in front of flags. But the symbolism is distracting. These men and women are NOT what America is all about. They are not leaders. They are not special. Frankly, they don't deserve the attention they'll get, because unlike the 56 men who birthed our country, they're not willing to pay a price for liberty.

They lack spirit. They are either fear-peddlers or just plain afraid.

Some have profited, politically, from a campaign of fear. They've expanded their power and the powers of their partisan allies through a sustained campaign of intimidation, both of their opponents and their constituents. This deceitful campaign is called, "The War on Terror."

Others have cowered, politically, appeasing the fear mongers, in order to gain re-election. 

Well, I am not like these politicians, because I am not afraid.

Are you? 

Ironically, the fear mongers in Washington, DC are practicing their own kind of terrorism. These political terrorists don't live in caves, but they're the ones who've actually succeeded in changing our "unique way of life." It is the politician-fear monger-terrorists who've tried to scare us into trading our Constitutional birthright for the pottage of Big Brother "protection."

That's why, on this Independence Day weekend, it's time to declare that, "We will not compromise our rights, freedoms, and heritage, in the name of Fear."

It's time to sign your declaration, "I am not afraid."

Tell the politicians in Washington, "I've already won my personal war on terror by refusing to be afraid." Tell them you oppose all the spying, searches and checkpoints, the torture and tribunals, as well as the wars and rumors of war. 

Then, please make one more bold declaration. Become a monthly pledger, starting at a level like $3, $5, $8, $15, $25, or $35 per month, or, if you prefer, make a generous one-time contribution, to help spread the unique message of minimal government and maximum liberty. You can do so at our secure web page.

From the board and staff at Downsize DC, we thank you for being part of the growing Downsize DC army, and wish you a wonderful Independence Day holiday.

Jim Babka

President, Inc. 

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