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Michael Mandeville's 07/01/08 Post on Insanity and Repercussions of Attacking Iran

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Below I have copied and pasted Michael Mandeville's 07/01/08 Post on Insanity and Repercussions of Attacking Iran.  Some more immediate actions warnings to all members of US Congress in addition to Michael's suggestion of criminal prosecution should be letters from all of us telling our congressional members that in no uncertain terms we will do everything in our power to lead efforts to get them ousted from congress in their next re-election bid if they vote yes on HR 362.  If our congress members have an ounce of decency and respect for all humanity, they will resoundingly rise up against HR 362 and stop the insanity of threatened actions against Iran.


My intention was to only forward Michael's letter to you as I'm sure many of you are tired of hearing my verbalizing about the mess in our country economically and politically.  However, I will give you some more update before the subject letter from Michael Mandeville below.  If you really are interested in what is going on you can read my letter.  If you would just as soon not know, you can skip down to where you will see his Iran letter.  What is happening to the US is going to have a huge effect as well on those of my friends in Mexico and Canada receiving this letter.


If any of you don't know the real reason for all the political rhetoric against Iran, it is easy to see for yourself on the internet.  If they have not been already pulled from You Tube, check out Lindsey Williams series of 8 You Tube videos on The Energy Non-Crisis.  This link will hopefully get you there:


You will be surprised if not shocked and pissed off at the real reason revealed in video 8 of the 8 videos for the US govt. posturing against Iran.  I would recommend watching all 8 so you can have the full background of the sinister behind-the-scenes conspiracy of this whole mess.  Lindsey Williams was chaplain on the Aleyska pipeline and at Prudhoe Bay on the North Slope in Alaska.  He reveals the secret on the Gull Island oil reserve off-shore.  He was a non-denominational chaplain on the pipeline and at Prudhoe and is a retired Baptist minister and missionary.


He is not bs'ing about this, I was there myself during that era as a drilling fluid engineer and North Slope engineering supervisor.  The co. I was working with was involved in the drilling of Gull Island.  Lindsey is absolutely correct in the secrecy surrounding the discovery in the Gull Island field.  He says it is one of the 3 largest oil reserves on the planets and our govt. is keeping it totally under wraps.  He advocates that gasoline in this country would cost between $1 and $1.50 per gallon if the Gull Island field was opened up. 


When I was spending those 11 years in the Alaska oilfield, I never could figure out why millions of barrels per day of crude oil from the pipeline were being shipped overseas.  None of could figure out why in 1977 the plans were already in place for building the natural gas pipeline to the lower 48.  If there is no conspiracy involved, maybe one of you can tell me why, unbelievably 31 years later, no effort has been made to build the gas pipeline to provide over a billion cubic feet of inexpensive natural gas to the lower 48, when we were ready and able to build it back then??? 


I then ask you to decide for yourself what is truth.  Is Lindsey Williams speaking the truth or the talking heads of the media and Washington DC???  Lindsey reveals the deal Kissinger brokered in the 60's and 70's with the mid-east countries to develop their oilfieds for them and buy their production

at the pricing we manipulated according to the $$$ needs of the US govt.  Perhaps you see the brokered deal details now.  The mid-east countries requirement in the contract was that they would in turn have to finance the US govt. budget deficits in buying treasury bonds of the FED.  Is the picture forming now?  Guess what, all but two mid-east countries signed the agreement. 


The two dissenters were Saddam in Iraq and the Shah of Iran.  It is obvious what we did and continue to do in Iraq.  Now the plot thickens with the other dissenter, Iran.  There is much about Iran's economic threats via internet news about switching to the Euro from the dollar on their oil sales.  Lindsey reveals that Iran has given a date that in addition to this, they are going to open the taps on increasing their oil production to flood the world with cheap oil sold in Euros. 


The US govt. cannot let this happen under any circumstance as it would immediately bankrupt the govt.  The details of the mechanics of this happening are covered in the videos, which includes the facts that the international banksters control the oil dollars exponentially more than all the oil companies and mid-east countries combined.


For a great expose on the corrupt financial monoply of the banksters over the entire energy industry, John Perkins, author of "Confessions of an Economic Hitman", has an eye-opener two part You Tube interview video.  The following link should take you to it:



When you watch this two part series it will become quite clear how the govt., banksters and corporations are secretly partnered to take over economic control of all countries via foreclosing on defaulted excessive infrastructure loans they coerced the countries into taking out by giving false, overstated return on investment projections to the countries.  A smaller scale version of this greed is the root of the current American housing and credit crisis, which I and many others liken to the tip of the iceberg being all that we have thus far seen.


With a totally corrupt executive branch, mostly corrupt legislative branch and somewhat untouchable corrupt judicial branch, our country is in a real mess.  Our best hope is to change what we can, that being Congress.  If they don't prove their constitutional preservation covenants by their voting records, we must boot them out.  This is the whole premise of Ron Paul's  This recently started movement is to get good Americans devoted to the constitutional principles to either run for office or actively support those who do run.  This will help clean house in congress and get the good folks with morals, integrity, honesty and love of the US Constitution into congress.


I have kids and grandkids who futures and very lives are at stake in this perilous moment in time.  If Iran is attacked by the US, the repercussions and retalitation against this country are a horrific thought.  The entire Muslim world and others will be rallied against us.  If any of you have been brainwashed by the democrats or republicans about our foreign aggression, believe me, Ron Paul has repeatedly spoken the absolute truth.  The US is inciting retaliation against us because of it controlling, extortionist foreign policy, not to mention unconstitutional invasions and occupations of nations for the last several decades (Actually longer, but that is too long a subject to go into within this letter).  An attack of Iran is a virtual lighting of the metaphorical fuse on the bomb of all bombs against us!


Our oldest employee is always rattling the cage of Congress.  He is trying to organize a million to a 10 million person march with wooden toy guns on Washington DC to tell them things are going to change and if they don't, next time they will return with the real thing.  For now, this seems a tad pie-in-the-sky in thinking this could get organized and actually happen, but I do give him credit for his passion in upholding the US Constitution. 


Only the common people who revolted in 1776 from the tyranny of King George enabled this great nation to come into existance.  The courage of those farmers and storekeepers, etc. that made up the state's militias is still an incredible inspiration.  These peacful, hard-working family men rose up against the oppressive ruling govt., taking on the world's strongest military power.  Wow, how many of us could even contemplate mustering that kind of courage in the midst of the comfort of our TV's, RV's, video games, social clubs, etc.? 


Now it is up to those descendents to revolt against they tyranny of those corrupt leaders in a peaceful manner.  Most all of those articles of the original Constitutional Bill of Rights are already being trampled by current and pending horrific legislation and presidential executive order authority.


Any of you who know me very well, know I don't throw around idle words.  While most do nothing and some talk the talk, I walk the walk.  Hopefully, more of you will become enlightened, if not scared enough to walk the walk, knowing that the alternative of doing nothing will manifest your worst possible nightmares of possible futures.


I'm putting my action where my mouth is per the opening statement of this letter.  I am cc'ing this letter to our Montana US Congressional delegation so they will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that if they vote for HR362 or anymore bills in violation of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, I promimse I will personally rally as many people and donate whatever available funds within my means to rally public knowledge of their record to get them voted out of office.  They have been ignoring the many letters I have written, mostly via, which is a great and easy tool to enable our voices to be heard throughout the halls of DC.


Don't get me wrong, I'm all for any of them staying in Congress that will rethink their previous anti-Constitution votes to once again let honor and decency prevail in their lives and decisions.  When they repent of past diversions from Constitutional freedoms, I will be happy to be a great cheerleader and supporter of each of them that will do so.  I don't believe any one of them should be judged without being given a second chance to choose the right.


We are at greater economic risk than any of you in spouting off about the injustices of Congress because two of our companies have technologies and products that have keenly interested fed. govt. officials and will eventually lead into great returns for our cos. if this does not totally piss them off.  A third one of our cos. currently has a fed. govt. service contract  A fourth co. has a fed. govt. service contract that we don't care if we continue at all in current economic conditions.  Our fifth co. in govt. contracting has an active state govt. contract. 


So yeah, I'm putting my heart above my head in taking this financially risky position of putting US Constitution patriotism ahead of business.  That is a risk I gladly take in behalf of all Americans in the preservation of our nation.  I would never compromise my conscience and spirit for profits.  I gladly risk never seeing another cent of govt. sales and service, in order to listen to my conscience and spirit.


Once again, I guess the best description of my feelings for what is happening to our great nation is the famous line from the 1976 movie, Network,..."I'm Mad as Hell and I'm Not Taking It Anymore".


Happy Enlightened Action Trails,




"Vote Freedom.......Vote Ron Paul"    (Yessss sirrreee, his is still in for September!!!)






Michael Mandeville on IRAN:

The messages and info on the Iway are thick, confused, and often contradictory. The one thing which should scare the pants off Americans is the relatively large number of quislings in congress who have signed up to sponsor the pending Zionazi resolution which instructs Bush to begin a blockade of Iran. This is, of course, by ALL HISTORICAL STANDARDS, an act of war, in fact a knowing act of war, hence, the pending resolution is a declaration of war. It is of course being presented in the typical Orwellian manner, being portrayed at merely a defensive act to prevent a nasty war.

It will accomplish the same thing which happened after the war powers act which Congress passed prior to the invasion of Iraq...namely, a horrible tragedy in Iran. There will be one major difference however. This time the blowback from such monstrous acts will destroy the U.S. as a nation.

Fueling our fears and concerns is the unmistakable odor of the stage being set for a bloody bombing attack. Piece by piece, the Zionazi cliques are conjuring up their paranoid delusion of war It is greatly traumatic to one's sanity to realize that one lives nearly powerless in a nation dominated by imperializing factions and warmonger lunatics who are working full time to manipulate the world into a broader set of wars. One cannot help now but feel a strong sense of disgust and distrust for all political appeals to "national" patriotism in all forms since everywhere one looks these end up being no more than as pawns in war profiteering and international rackets to support people with truly loathsome values and behaviors.

On the other hand, it is clear, through the Iway, that a large majority of people want to opt out of this nut house. It is equally clear that both TPTB and the huge industrial-military bureaucracies are riven with polarizations and discord over the Cheney-Bush Junta's imperial expansion program, which is now clearly focused on secret plans to "do" Iran. Foot-dragging is evident everywhere, the ship of state is leaking secrets like no tomorrow, new whistle-blowers pop up every week.

In this current moment, a certain impasse apparently has been reached in the bureaucratic circles. This impasse apparently is driving the Imperial Faction into greater desperation, leading to moves which are more and more transparent, to actions "desperately seeking war in all the wrong places". They have no cover nor even a pretense of cover. Most of the manipulation is now out of the closet. We can see them for what they are. The Zionists in Israel are nearly frothing at the mouth with their wacky, wicked war crap.

I am inclined to believe that the Zionazi have become so isolated that the "conventional political odds" are stacked hugely against them. I am inclined to believe that the Economic Collapse is our greatest problem.

The problem, however, is that the odds against the Zionazi thugs are not conventional, the problem is that they have command of vast sums of money, politicians, and media, and have the ability to blanket world media with their messages at any time. The problem, of course, is that we who oppose the imperial juggernaut cannot sustain any voice or any consciousness at all in the national mass media. This in term makes us feel powerless.

Ruth Ryden's May, June, and July newsletter suggests that world and national opposition to war plans in the Middle East will keep the plans continually delayed and then finally put on the shelf. The newsletter also advises that determination of people to prevent such a war will play a role.

My feeling is that the people who want to prevent such a war need to stack the odds against war in a clear but simple way. How to do this is the question?

Object, scare the crap out of the politicians so that they feel precluded from supporting the Zionazi agenda.

I have in mind a mass declaration, a letter which explains unambiguously that all those who vote in congress for war acts against Iran will face relentless legal prosecution in all venues by citizens everywhere for conspiracy to commit war crimes, murder, and racist acts of genocide. There are no "time limits" on such prosecution. Such a declaration, if pushed by a large mass of people, will reverberate in Congress like a terrorist's bomb but for a much longer time. A one page letter needs to be composed and vetted. It needs to be matter of fact, not a rant. It must be Jeffersonian in its authoritative eloquence. It must directly connect any support of activity against Iran with a war crime which WILL BE PROSECUTED, come hell, high water, or the next 50 years. It needs to be read on video and utubed. Then we need to push it through the anti-war groups, both on the right and the left and into all media everywhere. Object: 100 million signatories.

In new age terms, this is a matter of visualizing your preferred outcome and acting out to create it. Let’s visualize this and act it out. Through the Iway, this could all transpire in ----- DAYS.

In more spiritual terms, it is a matter of creating a "prayer" for peace, justice, and the well-being of all people through right action. Let us pray jointly with 100 million other people.