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BoE Indictment & Confiction (Updated 7/1/08)

Larry Becraft

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From: Rod Remelin
Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2008 12:58 AM
Subject: Boe Indictment & Conviction


A friend of mine from Arizona informed me today that a Dr. Bartschi used BoEs and got indicted. The jury verdict was this last week and he was found guilty (18 counts), and this story was in the newspaper. I went over to Pacer, pulled down the indictment and verdict and posted them here:

Counts 11 thru 14 made charges for using the BoEs, and other counts alleged mail fraud via their use.

May I suggest that you look at these documents. All I am trying to do is stop people from doing something stupid that gets them indicted.

Promoters of these arguments and ideas don't give a damn if you get indicted.

I am still waiting for proof.

Larry Becraft



----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2008 1:23 AM
Subject: Re: BoE Indictment & Confiction

Larry Becraft is a good example why lawyers should be stripped of their American citizenship and expelled from the country, as per the original 13th Amendment.

This Doctor Carlin Bartschi was only doing what he felt was necessary to defend himself from the theft of his property, his labor, and the fruits of his labor, under his unalienable  property right. It is not fraud or an unlawful act to do what is necessary to protect one's property and unalienable rights.

What he is being indicted for is the claimed property right of the State, in that the name he  has been using as his name, in commerce,  Carlin Grant Bartschi, is State property. His use of that name has allowed the State to invoke the legal maxim, accessio cedit principali - an accessory attached to a principal becomes the property of the owner of the principal. Thus, the free will adult man, commonly called Carlin of the Bartschi family became the property of the State. An 'owned man' is a slave.

Thus, the labor and fruits of his labour are considered the property of the State. A 'return  of income' is the accounting by the slave of the slave owner's property. Income tax is the collection of the slave owner's property. That which the slave gets to keep for his own use is called a 'benefit'' provided to the slave by the slave owner.

Thus, 'failure to file', 'filing a false or frivolous return', 'failing to pay over', tax evasion, and 'unauthorized tax avoidance procedures'  are all violations of the slave owner's  property right, and thus fall under 'tort law'.

The object of the State owned legal identity name is to make the free will man the guarantor of debts imposed upon the legal identity name, by having the free will man an attachment to that state owned property.

A couple of remedies have been used recently. The first is to 'surrender' the copy of the birth certificate the human defendant party has  to a judge in chambers prior to any court hearing . Once one is bullied into being identified as the State owned name in a public court, no other evidence is allowed to be presented by the 'slave' defendant. This rule can be clearly seen in the Fugitive Slave Act 1850, Section 6, that says: "In no trial or hearing under this act shall the testimony  of such alleged fugitive be admitted in evidence;"

In using 'surrender' in the above, it has a legal meaning of one's disavowing any liability that holding the document may have implied.

The next is an affidavit declaring that one only uses the State owned 'legal identity name' in commerce under duress, as one is forced to use it to sustain and maintain one's life, under 'private necessity'.  In Black's Law Dictionary, commerce is defined as meaning interaction and correspondence with government as well as business dealings.

Also, in discovery, one can ask for proof positive that the free will man who must use the State owned legal identity name, and the State owned legal identity name, are one  and the same. [Birth certificates cannot be used as a means of identification, and birth  records, body prints, DNA, and such are of a body. An adult human is a mind, occupying a physical human body, and, as such, has no name, or means of identification, except a voluntary admission by the accused party that he is or has some name or other.]

Thus, the whole Government and IRS action against Dr. Bartschi is one grand fraud and scam.

People ALWAYS get convicted because they fall victim to the 'name game'.

Eldon Warman