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FISA Filibuster in Play!

Ilya Sheyman

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You are incredible. Over the past 72 hours you've made over 13,000 (!) phone calls urging your Senators to stand up and fight against FISA legislation which gives immunity to phone companies guilty of spying on Americans.

At this point the outcome of this legislative battle is still in doubt, but your efforts have forced our leaders to take notice. You showed that ordinary Americans will not stand idly by as their rights are trampled. 

In response to your calls and e-mails, Senators Chris Dodd of Connecticut and Russ Feingold of Wisconsin have taken to the Senate floor and the airwaves promising a filibuster and demanding others join them and show the backbone to oppose this latest Presidential power grab. In a time like this, it's important to celebrate leaders like Senators Dodd and Feingold who stand with us against all odds and are working to stop this bill.

Contribute $25 to thank Senators Dodd and Feingold:

We'll use your contribution to buy ads in Senator Dodd and Feingold's home states - thanking them for the leadership they've shown this week. After you contribute, we'll follow up and ask you to record a personal thank you message to the Senators to include in our radio advertisement. Any extra money raised will be used to keep up the pressure in the fight to protect our civil liberties and reverse the abuses of the past eight years.

After all, this is what accountability looks like. Holding politicians feet to the fire when they do the wrong thing, and thanking our leaders when they have the courage to stand up. Earlier this week everyone thought this compromise was unstoppable. Now, thanks to your efforts, we have a crucial ally in the United States Senate.

Thanks for supporting real leaders,


Ilya Sheyman

Online Organizer