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Only Five Days Remain to Take a Stand

Douglas C. Mills

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Douglas C. Mills

Executive Vice President

Media Research Center

Is the gag about to be slid over the collective mouths of conservative talk radio leaders?

That’s what liberals are itching to do, and unless we take decisive action over this next week, I fear this could become a grim reality.

++ 66,000 Petitions and Counting

We are so close to reaching our goal of 100,000 signatures--signatures that could get Congress to move forward with a vote on the Broadcaster Freedom Act, now stuck in committee - and needing just a few more signatures to bring it to the House floor for a full vote.

This vote is crucial so that every member of Congress is put on record as to where he/she stands on Free Speech in our Nation!

We want to present Congressional leaders with 100,000 petitions from citizens who are demanding "Radio Independence" from the threat of government censorship through the Fairness Doctrine, before July 4!

That means we have precious little time to reach our goal.

++ Action 1--Alert Your Friends

          We're calling on everyone who has already signed this

          important petition to take a leadership role by forwarding

          this message to 25-30 friends who want our Free Speech

          Rights defended and protected from government intrusion.

          Urge them to sign this petition, right now by clicking here:

For the first time, we're also asking you to follow up with phone calls to your friends --it's that important.  Let them know that signing this petition will help preserve and protect our right to free speech in


 If necessary, talk them through the petition signing process!

We have five days to reach our goal, and we're counting on the MRC Action Team to once again answer the alarm and push us over the goal!

My sincere thanks in advance for once again standing with the MRC.

Douglas C. Mills

Executive Vice President

Media Research Center

P.S. Can there be a more important issue than defending our First Amendment Rights? Take action today and forward this message!

++Sign our petition:

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+ + Comments? Questions?

+ + + + +

The Media Research Center is a research and education organization operating under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are tax-deductible for income tax purposes.